Chapter 31

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*Michaels POV*

"She's all clear. No infections or anything. Shes not pregnant either. Over the next couple of days she might experience pain when walking and some bleeding, but that's normal. I am truly very sorry that this happened." The nurse said and walked out. Brooke has been sitting on the chair with her knees tucked up to her chest, not saying a word. She hasn't said a word to anyone since she talked to me in the ambulance. But who could blame her. Everytime someone would try to touch her, she would flinch away or put her hands up to cover her face. And it kills me. It kills me to see her like this. The doctor gave us a therapist to take Brooke to because I asked for it. Maybe tomorrow she could go see EJ. He knew about her being kidnapped so he must be worried sick. I sent him a text telling him that we had her and she was safe and okay. He replied that he would be over first thing in the morning.

"Brooke."  Ashton said. She jumped startled and looked at him. "Baby we can leave now." She stood up and winced. There wasn't much they could do about the bruises but they did have to stich up the gash on her cheek and one on the front of her stomach. We all left the hospital and got into Ashtons car. She climbed in the backseat and sat there silenty. Normally, she would be all bubbly, making fun of my hair or imitating Ashtons laugh -which was halirous by the way-. On a different day, she would obnixously singing along to the radio, asking to go get pizza, or complaining that I dont feed her enough. But now, her eyes just stayed glued to the floor. Her hair was down, making a curtain around her bruised and cut face. She just sat, silent, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone. Now, she jumped at every little noise she heard and wouldnt talk. 

She was completly and utterly broken.

"Brooke, we're going to stop to get you something to eat. What do you want baby?" Ashton asked carefully. I could tell that he was picking his words carefully. She just shrugged, not looking up from her hands that were sitting in her lap.

"Just take her home." I said. "I'll make her something there. And guys, Ashley is coming over. Brooke is that okay with you?" She just shrugged again flickering her eyes up to mine, but only for a second.

"Baby girl, please talk to me." I begged her. She just stared at her hands again.

"Michael let her be." Ashton said to me as we turned into the driveway. He turned off the car and we got out, slamming the doors behind us. Ashleys car was in the driveway so she was already here. It basically took all of my self control not to just run in the house and kiss her. I help the door open for Brooke and I walked in behind her. I went to the livingroom with Ashton and Brooke fled upstairs. Calum jumped up.

"Wheres Brooke?!" He pratically yelled.

"Shes upstairs mate. Better just leave her alone for now. She not doing so great right now." He said sitting down next to Luke. Ashley got up and started to go upstairs.

"Where ya going love?" I asked her.

"Bathroom." She reliped with a smile. I nodded. Wait, wasn't there a bathroom down here? Oh well, she probably didn't know that.


*Brookes POV*

I hate how I feel. I hate how everyone keeps asking me if im okay. I hate that im not okay. I hate myself. I was getting loose fitting clothes out of my drawer when someone barged into the room. My boys don't do that. I looked up, startled at who I saw. Ashley came over to me and picked my up by the collar of my shirt and looked my in my eyes. I didn't back down from her, so I stared right back into her eyes,

"Listen here you little slut. You might have everyone else wrapped around your finger, but not me. Get in the way of me and Michaels relationship, you'll be sorry." She spit out, throwing me onto the floor. I stood back up. Oh hell no. This was my house.

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