Chapter 21

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I sat there in my room. I didn't talk.I didn't eat. I didn't move. I didn't blink. Its not like Paige didn't know that I was sad, she tried to help me, she really did, but I could tell she was getting tired of me. I was getting tired of me.

The boys have one month left of the tour and we are going to stay a week with them. Paige knocked on my door then entered. I looked at her and we both stayed still for a couple minutes, looking each other in the eyes. You could tell she was tired physically, mentally, and emotionally.

"Have you started packing yet?" She asked me. I shook my head. "Well  you better start. We leave tomorrow morning." I nodded. I got up and went to my closet. I got some shirts, shorts, pants, underwear, bras, and sock and put them in my duffel bag. I got my phone charger and necessary bathroom items and packed those too. It only took about half an hour so I went back so my bed, picking up a sharpie off my dresser. I drew a sun on the top of my finger like a tattoo. Maybe I could get that tattooed on when I was older. I loved Mikeys finger tattoos and I wanted some like his when I was older, so I often drew different things on top of different fingers. I really liked a sun on my middle left hand so I kept re-drawing it everytime it faded out.

I heard a knock at my door and EJ walked in wearing sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Hi."He said flopping down on my bed.

"Hey." I replied quietly.

"How's your day going?" He asked. I replied with a shrug.

"Hey, whats up? Why have you been so unhappy and depressed lately? You're taking your depression pills right?" He looked worried.

"Yes I am. I just miss ths boys I guess. I just got Mikey back then he was pulled out from my grasp and i dont know how to cope with it." I said. Half was true. I wasn't taking my depression pills because they were empty.  I didn't want to ask Paige to get them refilled because you had to have a legal guardian sign for them. Paige wasn't my legal guardian, Mikey was, but he wasn't here at the moment. Clearly.

I thought about that. What if the boys hadn't left? They would probably be playing video games and eating. My pills would be refilled and I would be happy. Paige would be happy. I brought my attention back to EJ.

"Wait, how did you even get here?" I asked laying back.

"Bike." He said as his phone vibrated.

One new message: AAFB Melissa.

"What does that even mean?" I laughed pointing to the AAFB on his phone.

"Oh that? It means Annoying As Fuck Bitch Melissa. She likes me and won't leave me alone and she is so annoying oh my god." He whined putting his head on my stomach. I laughed at him.

"Just tell her to jump off a cliff. Duh. Or tell her you have a girlfriend." I said putting my hands on his head. I ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed happily.

"Do you wanna be my fake girlfriend?" He asked as I continued to run my fingers through his hair.

"Find yourself a prettier girl than me, one that you deserve at least."I said sadly. I knew that my chances being with him were lower than hell itself.

"Why another girl? I think you're gorgeous. And you are my best friend after all." He said turning his head so he could look at me. I felt my face get warm when he called me gorgeous.

"Because you could do a lot better than me." I whispered looking him in his blue eyes.

"I doubt that. I think you are the highest of the high." He whispered back.

"Thanks." I blushed again. He nodded.

"Its true you know." He continued.

"Okay okay I get it. Stop with the compliments now." I laughed.

"You know whats going to be weird? Not having you here for a week. Who's gonna be my cuddle buddy then?" He pouted. I shrugged.

"We're cuddling now." I pointed out. I thought of the first time we had ever cuddled and Calum ran in yelling how he wanted to cuddle. I laughed to myself.

"Yeah, but, like, ugh." He covered his face with his hands.

"What?" I smiled. He just shook his head. "C'mon tell me." I urged prying his hands from his face.

"No its embarrassing." He whined.

"Just tell me child." I laughed.

"I like it when you lay into my side. Don't get me wrong, it feels good when you play with my hair, but I like the side cuddles when you drape your leg over me. Its so stupid im sorry." He brought his hand back to his face embarrassed. I rolled out from under him and moved so I was laying tucked into his side, my neck was cuddled into the side if his and I threw my leg over his stomach.

"Like this?" I asked. He nodded. I thought about this. He always wanted cuddle. He told me how beautiful I was. He complimented me every day. Called me gorgeous. Does he like me? I though about everything and was leaning towards yes. Maybe im just really self-absorbed and we really just are best friends. Oh well. If he likes me, he'll tell me. Hopefully if he even does.

"Tell me whats been bugging you. And dont lie, about anything. You know you can trust me." I told him about my depressions pills, about how the boys being gone made me even more upset, about everything that has been bothering me. It felt good to get it all off my chest. He listened to every word I said and didn't interrupt once.

"Well, I guess its a good thing you're going to see them tomorrow now isn't it?" He smiled at me.

"Yeah. It is." I smiled back and shut my eyes. I opened my eyes to look at him and his eyes were shut too. I closed mine and relaxed all of my muscles. I honestly dont know what I would have done if EJ hadn't been here. Actually, I think I do know what I would have done, but I don't like to think about that. I fell asleep quickly because I was cuddled up with him. He gave me back the sense of security that Mikey had taken with him when he left.


Are my updates to short? Tell me if they are. Dont be afraid to criticize my writing but kindly please:):)♡


Im on my way to Colorado so I will update over the week, maybe a couple less times than usual, but I'll still update. Guys 1.4K reads. Thankyou so much I cant believe it thank you! - Kylee

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