Chapter 18

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I dropped the hose, ran forward, and gave him a hug.

"I didn't think that'd I'd ever see you again." He said hughing me back laughing.

"I know! I have your number but I didn't know that I'd ever see you again." I said letting him out of the hug.

"Uh, how do you guys know each other?" Asked EJ stepping closer to me. He was being protective. Aw.

"I sat beside her on the plane." Explained Max.

Max was attractive, but nothing compared to EJ. He has blonde curly hair, which remind me of Ashtons. He had dull green eyes and was pretty tall.

"How do you guys know each other?" I asked EJ quietly.

"We've been friends since I was little. He went to visit his cousins in Florida." EJ explained. I kinda shuffled behind EJ because I am very shy and terrible with people.

"Im John." Said one.



"Brooke." I introduced myself. I saw the four boys infront of me staring at my chest, so I stepped completely behind EJ and rested my head on his shoulder. They all scowled at EJ as he smirked back. He grabbed my hands and started playing with them, knowing I was uncomfortable.

"Were you swimming or something?" Smirked Sam.

"No, just kicking the soccer ball."

"Oh, because you wanted to look at her chest right?" Laughed Mike.

"Guys, knock it off" Said EJ getting annoyed.

"What are you? Double D? And you're what, 14?" Laughed Sam. I stepped out from behind EJ. No way I was going to let them talk about me while I was right here. I got up in Sam's face.

"Yeah honey, double D's. Now why dont you fucking leave because you are very very annoying. Thankyou bye now." I said. But honestly, I  wanted to fight him.

"C'mon, say something so I can punch you." I thought.

"Can I touch 'em?"

"THATS IT!" I lunged forwards and did a right hand hook in his cheek. He stumbled back, crying out in pain holding his face.

"Wanna say something else?" I asked taunting them. They all shook their heads but Sam stood up, looking angry.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" He growled and tried to grab me.

"SAM STOP!" Ordered Max. EJ stepped infront of me, protecting me.

"Go away, Sam. Don't start something that'll you can win."

"I'll win, I'll show you." He took a step forward and I stepped out from behind EJ and kicked him right in his side. He bent over and I punched him again. He fell to the ground.

"Get out of here guys! Just go!" Yelled EJ. The three boys picked Sam off the ground and ran away down his driveway.

"Bye Brooke!" I heard Max yell. I waved in return, stalling. I didnt want to look at EJ, he would probably yell at me. I mean, I just beat the shit out of one of his bestfriends. I turned around and looked at him.

He pulled me into a hug. "Are you okay?" He said softly.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to beat the shit out of your bestfriend."

"I said that I knew him since I was little, not that I ever liked him. And he totally deserved that." He said nonchalantly.

"Oh." I said shortly.

"Okay, but first, can we just take a minute to REALIZE YOU JUST BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!" He was laughing so hard He was bent over. He stood up and I noticed tears on his face from laughing so hard.

We went back inside and just hung out in his room the rest of the day, watching movies. We were to lazy to go to the beach so we decided we would go tomorrow. Maybe living with them for a little while wouldn't be as bad as I though. Maybe.


Yess hello is it me youre looking for?

of couse not youre looking for michael clifford okay im going to study now bibi love yalls ♡

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