Chapter 4

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Mikey stood up and yelled for the boys. Three guys came running in with worried looks on their faces. I didn't care to get a good look at them due to the fact that I was on the floor clutching my now bleeding side. Mikey carefully hauled me up with a grip on my upper arm and practically dragged me back up stairs with the others following closely behind. They brought into one of the boys bathrooms. I sat on the counter and closed my eyes, I tried to take a deep breath but it was shallow. I started breathing quicker as I saw the blood on my hand. I looked up and saw a guy that had blonde hair and blue eyes. He gave me a sympathetic smile and a slight nod. Mikey loudly demanded something about my shirt that I didn't focus on as he was digging under to cabinet. The one with black hair grabbed the sides of my shirt trying to lift it up. "Hey!" I yelled as I smacked him in his face. He stumbled back clutched his face.

"What the hell?" He yelled, looking around at the others.

"Shut up, both of you!" Mikey demanded. "B, what the hell? I was right here, nothing would have happened. You can trust them." Mikey said calmly. He turns to the guy. "You alright?" The guy just nodded, giving me a dirty look. I was scared, I was bleeding. Mikey said I could trust them, so I felt bad. Mikey slowly lifted off my shirt and the boys eyes widened a little bit.

What, have they never seen stitches before? I stared at the ground, my eyes flicking up to the one I smacked. "I'm sorry." I whispered out. He looked at me silently. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He smiled. Mikey and Ashton, as told to me by Luke, looked at my side while I talked to the other two. Luke and Calum. They told me who was who, trying to distract me from my side. Apparently, a couple of my stitches ripped and needed to be stitched back up.

"We need to take you to the hospital." Mikey said as he handed me a towel to wipe my hands.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said as pulled me out of the bathroom . "This is my fault."

"Mikey, it's okay. It's not your fault." I tried to comfort him and sound sincere, instead I sounded small and scared. He didn't believe me, I could tell. At least the bleeding had stopped. Calum came back in and handed me a new towel to hold on my side until we got to the hospital. "Calum, I'm sorry. I-i didn't mean to, I-" He shook his head. I could feel myself tearing up in guilt.

"Don't worry about it. I understand. Don't cry." He said as he motioned for me to follow him.

"C'mon, you need to go to the emergency room." He said. I got off the counter and let me out to the car.


We were out of the emergency room about an hour and a half later. All they did was restitch up a couple that had torn. Mikey took me and the other boys stayed at home. We were driving home when suddenly Mikey started laughing quietly to himself. "Why are you laughing?" I asked laughing.

"I can't believe you immediately hit Calum in his face!" He laughed. "Do you often hit anyone that touches you?"

"What was I supposed do? I wasn't going to let some guy pull my shirt up." I huffed. "And stop. I feel bad enough already."

"Sorry, it's just really funny. When we went downstairs, you know what the boys said?" He asked. I stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"They said that they thought your stitches were really badass. Oh, and that you had really pretty eyes and look exactly like me." he chuckled. "Pretty, just like me. Figures." I felt myself smile and I shook my head at him.

"And did you see how big their eyes got when I lifted up your shirt?" He cracked up again.

"It's like they've never seen boobs before!" I laughed.

"No, they have. Maybe. Well, probably not Luke. Never mind." He shook his head, smiling to himself. Most brothers wouldn't want to talk about this with their little sister, but Mikey was different. I had to count on him to be comfortable with anything I needed to tell him. He was all I had.


We walked into the house and the boys jumped up. Multiple questions were thrown at the same time.

"Is she okay?"

"How many stitches did you need to get fixed?"

"When will it heal?"

"Guys! Shut up! Let me explain." Mikey yelled over them. They walked into the living room and I went to the fridge. I looked inside and didn't real find anything appealing. Oh well, I wasn't really hungry anyways. 

I slowly walked upstairs to clean myself up. I changed into shorts and a long sleeve shirt, wincing as I re-did my ponytail, grabbed a book, my glasses, and went back downstairs. Yes, I had reading glasses. It made me feel like an old woman. As for my book, I was reading the first book in the Divergent series. The problem with me reading was I had dyslexia. When I was younger Mikey would help me read, but that was before he left. I walked downstairs and Mikey saw my reading glasses and book and he smiled at me. "Gonna read?" he asked.

"No, Mikey. I thought that I would jump off the roof and see if the book would make a good magic carpet." I said seriously. Ashton cracked up laughing and soon all the boys were too, including me. I started reading but within the first five minutes, I got caught up on a word.

"Mikey, what's this word?" I asked pointing to it.

"Accumulated? Um, I'm not actually sure. Luke, what does accumulated mean?" Mikey asked Luke, who was sitting across the livingroom.

"It means to gather or collect." He replied.

A couple minutes later I was getting frustrated with myself. I ended up having to ask Luke about a lot of words and what they ment. Most of them were big words I felt I should know. I felt I am was slow at reading. After about half an hour of me needed assistance and Luke helping me out, I threw my book and glasses on the coffee table in annoyance. I stood up and walked out to the backyard, sat down by the edge of the pool, put my legs in and just sat there thinking.

I thought about how my parents were gone, I thought about how Mikey left me. But most importantly, I thought about Dean. Dean was basically like family to me in Florida. I called him my cousin. He is twenty years old and he left for the military two years ago, and I haven't seen him since. We previously Facebook messaged a couple times and I've talked to him on the phone once for my birthday but I miss him terribly. I can't text him or anything because he doesn't have good internet service because he works on one of the boats that travel around the world. They don't port often.

I heard someone walk up behind me. "Brooke, will you come inside for a second? We have something to show you." Mikey said.

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