Chapter 23

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*Michaels POV*

I waited outside the restaurant, kicking a rock around. What if she says that she doesn't want to come? No, thats dumb, she already said she would.

"Michael?" I turned around.

"Hey Ashley." I smiled at her. All she had on was black jeans and a sweatshirt and she still looked beautiful.

"Wanna come talk a walk with me?" I asked motioning my head to the opposite way of the restaurant.

"Sure. Sorry you had to wait so long." She said walking next to me. I had to slow down because my legs were longer than hers, so I could take bigger steps.

"It was like ten minutes. I really don't mind." She shrugged. She stopped walking and looked up at me, and I looked back. She grinned and took off running towards a little old park.

"NO NO NO. SORRY I DON'T RUN." I yelled walking after her. As she was in the middle of a step, she tripped herself and she flew down to the ground yelling "FUCK!" I ran over to her and she was still laying face down in the dirt laughing. She rolled over and I saw dirt smeared all over her face.

"That was something." I laughing. She hit my chest and continued laughing.

"Literally leave it to me to fall. I'm so clumsy. Will you push me on the swing if I get up?"

"Uh, yeah I guess I you want me to." I helped her up and she awkwardly ran over to the swing as I walked behind her.

"You have the most awkward run." I laughed as I pushed her back.

"Hey! Im sorry I am not an athlete!" She giggled.

"Your laugh is so cute. You like, scrunch up your nose and its so adorable. Sorry that was stupid." I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Michael Clifford are you flirting with me?" She squealed as I pushed her higher.

"I guess a little bit." I felt my face get warm, and im glad that it was dark outside. She yelled for me to push her higher then she jumped out of the swing. I landed on her feet and rolled to her back. I jogged over to her.

"That was fun!" She said as I sat down next to her. It was silent for a few minutes until I broke it.

"So, do you wanna come tomorrow? It'll be really fun." I said poking her cheek repeatedly.

"Yeah sure. It sounds like it'll be fun." She said as she reached over and started poking my cheek repeatedly too.

"Too bad I live in Sydney. We leave in five days. Normally we don't atay in one place this long, but there is lots of places around here we are playing at so we decided to make this our home base kinda." I stopped poking her cheek and she stopped as well.

"Didn't you hear me? Im moving to Sydney to live with my grandparents. My mom died when I was born and my dad is an alcoholic so im moving out to live with them. I am only 17 you know." She sounded sad. "Well duh shes sad" I thought to myself.

"Im sorry honestly. My parents dies recently in a car crash, so my little sister came to live with me. Amd I live in Sydney! Do you know where they live, like, the area?" I asked excitedly. She pulled out her phone and read me the address. No way. Her grandparents live in EJ's neighborhood!

"Your grandparents live like ten minutes away!" I yelled excitedly. That was awesome!

"No way! You're kidding right? Thats so cool!" She screamed. "So maybe we can hang out more." She smiled at me. I nodded.

"Oh yeah! Here's my phone number. Do you want me to meet you there tomorrow? And how should I get in? What if they like, kick me out or something?" She sounded worried. I put her number into my phone and texted her so she had my number.

"Don't worry like at all. They'll let you in, I'll show them what you look like. They aren't mean honestly." Okay, so sometimes our security could be rough, be we always got on their ass's about that. I told her the arena

"Okay here go." She smiled at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed.

"Im smiling for a picture so they know what I look like." She said it in a "duh" tone of voice.

"Well fine miss sassy pants." I took a picture of my phone and she looked at it.

"Eh, its okay I guess. I actually should be getting home. Its getting late and im tired." She stood up.

"Okay, I'll walk you home."

"No, you really don't have to do that."

"I want to. And im not letting you walk home by yourself. That dangerous." She smiled and gave me an "okay". We talked all the way back to her house and she told me about herself.

"Well, this is me." She shoved her hands in her pockets shyly. "So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Its gonna be tons of fun. You'll see." I grinned at her.

"I know, I never doubted you for a second." She took a step closer and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You smell good." I said laughing into her shoulder. She pulled away and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

"Goodnight." She said softly.

"Goodnight love." I turned and walked off the porch. I smiled to myself and I walked back to the tour bus slowly. Tomorrow I would see Brooke and Ashley. Tomorrow we were playing a concert. Tomorrow would be amazing if everything goes right.


Aye USA won the fifa match yeah buddie okay ill update soon (DOUBLE UPDATE TONIGHT!?) thanks for all the reads ilysm♡

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