She's the Special One

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Myah kissed him back hesitantly while wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him close to her as she laid back down onto the blankets. Diego wrapped his arm around her lower waist kissing her slowly.

It soon became a make out session and the two were fighting for dominance as they slid their tongues into each other's mouth. Myah flipped Diego over straddling his waist while resting her hands on his chest.

She pulled away for a moment looking down at him curiously.

"I'm not just some girl you bring up here hoping to fuck, right?" Myah asked nervously.

Diego sat up with Myah on his lap wrapping his arms around her lower waist, looking down at the ground.

"Diego.." Myah asked

Diego looks up to her with a tear running down his cheek, but he quickly wipes it away as she notices it.

"It hurts me to think that you think that low of me. I know i do some pretty... dumb shit. I seem like i only care about girls, sex, and drugs, but that's not true. I really like you for you, Myah and shit, i wouldn't want anybody else up here with me." Diego says looking into her eyes.

Myah's heart flutters by his reaction and rests her hands against his cheeks as she leans in pecking his lips repeatedly.

"I'm sorry.." Myah says between kisses.

"I'm stupid." she exclaims looking away from his gaze.

"Shut up," Diego says before pecking her lips again.


Diego's phone starts going off with messages from Anthony and Cole Bennett. Diego reaches over, grabs his phone and checks the messages while still holding Myah in his lap.

"Shit," Diego says looking down at his phone.

"What's wrong?"

"They want me to come to the studio at 7 a.m... too damn early," he says mumbling throwing his phone down onto the pillows.

"Hey, look at me." Myah says as she lifts Diego's chin to look at her.

"It's going to be okay, we can head out now so you get a full night of sleep, yea?"

"No.. i want to be here with you." he exclaims as he reaches over for a cigarette lighting one for himself.

"You sure?.. it's getting pretty-"

Myah was cut off by Diego's lips crashing down onto hers. She kissed him back passionately before she pulled away, taking a puff of the cigarette he lit up for himself.

"Pass it," Diego smiles.

Myah removes the cigarette from between her lips and puts it between his while holding it for him. After he inhales it she takes the cigarette out of his mouth leaning closer to him. He blowed the smoke into her mouth before kissing her slowly.


An hour or two past and they decided that they had to get going. They drove around in the car looking at the buildings and small parks around.

"Let's stop here," Myah said looking out the window at a small park just a few feet away.

Diego stops the car and gets out, running over to her side to let her out.

"Thank you," she says while walking to a nearby bench sitting down.

Diego sits down beside her before pulling her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. He wanted to keep her close to him, he never wanted to let her go.

"Hey," Diego yelled at a man walking down the dark pathway, "would you mind taking a photo for us?"

Myah looked at him confusingly and he winked at her. As the man came closer he handed him his phone.

"Just take a photo of me and my girl, yea?" Diego says holding Myah close to him.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck hiding her face from the camera.

"You're beautiful," he whispers into her ear as the man snaps the photo for him.

"Thank you," Diego says reaching for his phone.

"I think i'm going to post this on my instagram," he winks at Myah before posting the photo.

"I think i'm going to post this on my instagram," he winks at Myah before posting the photo

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She's the special one. ❤️

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"You sure your hoes won't get offended?" Myah laughed before kissing his nose lightly.

"Trust me, you're the only girl in my head," he says before picking her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He carried her over to his car, setting her down on the hood before laying her back carefully. He ran his hand up her body, and tilted her head leaning down kissing her lips softly. She smiled into the kiss pulling him closer to her.

"I gotta get home," Myah says looking up into Diego's eyes.

"The girls are probably wondering why i haven't called them yet, or what's going on. They're probably worried," she remarked as she stood up from the car looking up at Diego.

"Let me take you home," he says.

They both hopped in the car as Diego drove her to her apartment. He drove with his hand intertwined with hers and kissed her every time there was a red light.

"I love you," he says before reaching her apartment building dropping her off.

She smiled and waved him goodbye as she entered her building.

This may have sucked a bit .

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