Dive Right Into You

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Diego leaned down closer to Myah as he rested his head on top of hers. He continued stroking her cheek lightly as tears formed in her eyes.

"Do we need to call your parents?" Candy asked making Myah's head shoot up.

"No..please no," she whispered as a tear streamed down her cheek.

Diego quickly used his thumb wiping her tear away as she avoided looking at him. A nurse came into the room with a notepad, "For dinner we are serving meatloaf with mashed potatoes, green beans, and a drink or you can have a ham and cheese sandwich with pineapples, chips, and a drink."

Myah looked up at the nurse before checking the clock on the wall, "i'm not hungry," she said as she continued to cry.

"Honey you need to eat," Candy said as Jess nodded her head in agreement.

Diego looked over at the nurse before stating, "can you bring both and whatever she doesn't eat you can take back? & bring a cup of water with ginger ale, please," he asked as the nurse nodded before leaving the room.

He looked down at her wrists and prayed to god that it would never happen again. He grazed his finger along her chin as she looked up at him for the first time.

"I-i need to pee," she mumbled while looking at Diego.

She was going to ask Jess considering she didn't want to speak to Diego, but she has never seen that part of her body because she is so self conscious in front of friends. Though she feels that way, she doesn't want Diego seeing what she did to herself; it made her feel more insecure.

"Cmon," he said slowly standing up before placing his hand in hers. He leaned down resting his other hand on her lower back as she got up wincing in pain.

"Fuck," she cried grabbing onto Diego's shoulder tightly making him clench onto her harder. "Baby what happened?" he asked worriedly.

"My thigh burns, fuck." she said slumping over, "Can you carry me?" she asked hesitantly.

"I will," Diego said before wrapping his arms around her lifting her up bridal style.

Jess and Candy watched in 'awe' even though they were still highly pissed off at him. He opened the bathroom door for her grabbing the higher seat so she didn't have to bed down too far.

"I got you," he whispered as she lifted her gown up sitting down onto the cold seat showing off her stitched up, stapled, glued & torn bruises.

He couldn't help but look down as tears fell from his face onto the marble floor making her eyes puff up. He held her near and got her toilet paper handing it to her.

She continued her business as Diego lifted her up flushing the toilet for her. He carried her out of the bathroom seeing the nurse come back with trays setting them on the cart before waving as she made her way out of the room. Diego set her onto the bed helping her cover up.

"Thank you," she whispered adjusting in her seat.

Candy gave Diego that look as she got up making her way to the other side of the room. He walked around her bed sitting down by her knees as he pulled the cart towards him. He opened the straw before looking over at Myah.

"Ginger ale or water?" he asked unconvering the trays.

"Ginger ale," she said calmly as Diego opened it for her, sticking the straw in as she tried to grab it, "no, rest your arms," he whispered holding the can a few inches from her face as she drank through the straw.

The doctor walked into the room smiling as he watched Diego's actions. "Good news, you can be released tomorrow. We have sent your transcripts and got your medical records from Ohio. L.A didn't have anything except for that incident that had to do with the attempted rape."

"Doc-," Diego cut off eagerly, "let's not talk about this now," he said while grabbing a spoon full of mashed potatoes holding it out in front of Myah.

The doctor nodded his head as he continued on, "Like i said, a month of therapy at least. Stitches & staples can come out i would say in about a month as well. The glue will heal some of it itself. Tests show you have high anxiety levels and depression. Is that true?"

Myah nodded her head slightly as she poked Diego's side asking him for more food.

"Okay. We will have you take 10mg of Xanax every morning to see if that helps, we will also prescribe some medicine to help with your depression as well."

Diego's head shot up looking at the doctor, "Only once a day though, right?" he asked worriedly.

"Yes. We will have to have a family member or a close friend to keep a close eye on her. Every week a doctor will come for a home visit to make sure everything is just fine."

"She will be staying with me," Jess smiled nodding at the doctor before receiving a glare from Diego.

"No. She's with me," he argued as Myah's head shot up looking at him.

"That's not fair do you not see what you have-," she started to fight before the doctor interrupted, "let us know by tomorrow," he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Myah," Diego whispered looking into her eyes while feeding her.

"I'm sorry Jess," Myah started, "I still need Diego to do the personal things."

"I got to cancel my shows for the next few weeks. Cole! Can you grab my phone and contact my manager?"

Cole smiled before grabbing his phone texting his manager.


The night continued on. Jess was asleep on the lounge chair in the corner of the room while Candy was asleep on the small bed far off on the other side of the room. Diego laid beside Myah as the two watched South Park keeping the room silent.

"Diego," she said worriedly looking back at him.

"Yea babe?" he sat up worriedly, "can you call the nurse and ask her for some pain medication please?" she asked.

Diego stood up quickly walking over towards the door as she seen her nurse walk by.

"Hey!" he called out, "Myah needs pain pills. Please?" he said almost begging.

"Yea. I'll be there in a few!" she smiled before walking off.

Diego shut the door behind him as he walked back into the room allaying beside Myah. He had his hand on her waist as he spooned her. He had a face full of hair, but he didn't really mind it. He nuzzled his way into her neck making sure to hold her arms still.

I can't do this, Myah thought to herself knowing how hurt she is deep down. She needed this at the moment, him there. But it broke her heart as he did do. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind before she turned laying on her back looking directly at Diego.

"I need the truth. What happened that day."

not edited

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