Silence Kills

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Diego screamed charging towards Hailey between the double doors causing nurses to jump in their seat.

Cole grabbed Diego's arm pulling him away at just the right time before he could do anything.  "Chill," Cole said before looking at Hailey watching as she just chuckled at the fact that he would try to hurt her.

"Just stopped by to see your..," she started stepping closer to Diego, "your ex. Heard what happened. It's all over social media," she laughed not caring about the situation.

"If you fuckin-," he started before getting cut off by the sound of Hailey's voice.

"If i want? It's not my fault your little girlfriend attempted suicide. Who would notice if she was gone anyways?" Hailey said in her bitchy tone as she made her way to the front desk.

She placed her purse on the wooden desk as the lady looked up at her curiously.  "I'm here to see Myah Scavo," she faked before turning around winking at Diego.

He tried to pull out of Cole's grip ending up falling to the ground.  "Let me go," Diego said trying to push Cole away from him.

"Yes, shes in critical condition, you can see her after," the lady politely said before answering her ringing phone.

"No you can't," Diego said harshly as she walked back towards him.

"Whose going to stop me?" she laughed sitting down on one of the large love seats in the open waiting room, "come sit with me."

Diego eventually got out of Cole's grip pacing towards her before kneeling down to her level, "if i was you, i'd fucking leave.  You did this you fucking scum."

"I did this? Baby no it takes two in a relationship, you shouldn't have cheated," Hailey smiled trying to play with his shirt before he smacked her hand away. She gasped at the sudden hit.

"You kissed me. I fucked up.  I got it. What's the real reason why you're here?"

"Just want to see Myah. Figured she would want to meet the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with. I liked you better off single anyways," Hailey winked before biting her lip trying to look seductive.

"It's not like we fucked, and i'm sorry but you're fucking trash for even deciding to show up," Diego spat before walking back towards Cole.

"Come on, lets go sit over there," Diego and Cole walked to the far end of the waiting room keeping their distance from the devil is disguise.

5 hrs & 53 minutes later..

"Can't fucking believe she's still here," Diego said crying as he watched Hailey take selfies on her phone from the opposite side of the room.

"I know," Cole said.

The doors opened to the hospital causing him and Cole to jump up.  He looked over seeing his mother along with Jess running towards them.

"Mom!" Diego yelled getting up to hug his mother tightly, "how is she?" she asked pulling away from Diego.

As the two pulled away, Jess walked up to Diego slapping him across the face harshly as she pushed him back causing him to almost trip.  "How dare you fucking cheat on Myah.  I saw the pictures, you dirtbag.  And that's her? SHES HERE?!" Jess yelled pointing at Hailey on the opposite side of the waiting room.

Diego's mom didn't do anything about Jess slapping him since she explained the story to her on the way there.  They found each other on the airport in a sudden hurry and realized they were heading to NY for the same reason.

Hailey got up walking between the two puckering her lips out as she acted 'non-bothered.' "Just came to see my girl," she fake smiled.

"You cheated on Myah? With this? Another fucking slut? I raised you better than this," his mother said angrily.

"And you," she continued, "should have some fucking respect to not lay a finger on a guy who is in a serious relationship.  Homewrecking whore."

"And what are you? Grandma. You think i have to listen to-,"

"Listen petty bitch, I may be old but i can still kick your fucking ass.  Leave this place or i will call the police."

"What are they going to do?"

Jess joined in stating, "Were already in the fucking hospital, it won't be hard to get you admitted. Try me."

Hailey looked shooken back at the threat Jess made against her. "Whatever you say," she smiled walking back over to her seat.

"Diego, you're a fucking dumbass," his mother claimed as a tear rolled down her cheek, "have you heard anything?"

"T-the doctors came and said that they stitched her up, that she will wake up soon.. it's been 3 hours."

25 mins later..

The nurse pointed to Diego, Cole, Candy, and Jess as a doctor came out of the room.  He made his way over to them as they all stood up eager to hear what he had to say.

"She's awake," he smiled as Hailey came over.

"The nurse told her about the visitors that were here to see her. She seemed hesitant but gave in after awhile. You guys can head up anytime, i can take you to her."

Diego fell down to the ground crying as his mother rubbed his shoulder lightly.  "Can you please excuse this girl out of here," Candy started, "she is the reason why were in this mess with Myah.  Myah doesn't know her at all. Please escort her out of here."

"Is this true?" the doctor asked looking at everybody else.

"It is," they all mumbled as tears streamed down their cheeks.  Diego stood up looking over at Hailey as she made a stank face at them.

"I'm sorry ma'am if what they say is true, you have to go," he states as he started walking towards the double doors to go up to Myah's room.

She gave him an evil glare before sitting back down looking up at them.


"Avoid questions about what happened.  We already spoke to her.  Since you all are close to her, she needs to attend therapy at least twice a week for a month.  We will see how that goes.  She lives in L.A correct?" he asked as Diego shook his head, "We will send prescriptions to her local pharmacy if you guys give us that information before you leave. I know she's a bright young girl, we don't want to send her to some crazy house to get tortured.  Make sure she stays hydrated," the doctor said handing Diego a cup before he opened the door for them.

Diego walked into the room seeing Myah as he almost spilled her water.  He set her drink on the food stand beside her as they walked in after him.

"H-how are you feeling?" Diego asked as he looked down at Myah's stitched up, super glued, and stapled  arms as tears started to stream down his face.

She wouldn't look at him. Instead, she turned her head looking out the window starring into the night sky.  He scratched his head, "I'm sorry for leaving you.  I shouldn't have left that suite," he said lowly before wiping his face.

"Baby, honey," Candy said as she walked over to Myah scrowtching down beside her as she smiled.  Myah loved his mother and everything about her. "I'm always here.  I'm sorry for this," she said wiping Myah's tears.

Jess picked up the drink handing it to Myah. "Drink, it's for your health." 

Myah took a sip refusing to say anything to anybody.  Cole stood against the wall scared to look at her bruised, torn body.

Jess took a seat on one of the chairs beside Myah's bed as she watched her intently. Myah moved her feet allowing Candy to sit by her feel as she looked at the mask Myah was suppose to have on her face. She tried handing it to her but she refused shaking her head.

Diego sat on the opposite side of Myah on the high chair.  He stroked his fingers through her hair caressing her head softly.  He tried to muffle his tears as the room stayed silent.

not edited

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