pregnancy tears (remake)

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*THE LYRICS ARE WHAT IS RUNNING THROUGH HIS MIND.  I rushed through this so it may suck very very very much.


"I would like for you to come back in a week and a half.  The holidays are always busy so I will set you an appointment on the 18th if that's okay."

"That's perfect," Myah smiled noticing Diego cry out of the corner of her eyes, "thank you."

"Anytime," Mrs. Krieger concludes before walking out of the room.

"We're in this together," Diego laughed picking Myah up by her hips placing her into the ground, "You and I."

"I just want you to know that I ain't scared
Whatever it takes to raise you, I'm prepared"

"Well I hope so," she laughed as she started walking out of the room and down the long hallway, "next stop, your moms."

"She's going to be so happy," Diego said before walking out the main double doors and out into the parking lot, "but i'm still so nervous."

"You'll be coming out of Mommy's stomach soon
I better do something quick if I'ma be able to support you
I can barely support me, but as long as you're healthy"

"Me too," Myah mumbled as they approached Diego's car, "me too."

He couldn't keep his mind off of the fact that he's going to be a father. His mind kept on racing with scenarios that he would have to face in the future.

'What if he or she want to go to college? I don't have all that money yet'

'What if he or she doesn't like me and thinks i'm a shitty dad'

'What if this music doesn't work out how I planned? What will i do?'

25 minutes later..

"How much longer?" Myah whined laying her head back against the seat kicking the dashboard eager to get out of the small confined space already.

She was eating a pack of gummy bears that she had found inside of the glovebox.  She didn't know how old they were, but she didn't care.

"Not long babe.  Relax," Diego cooed placing his hand on her knee, "we will be there in no time."

"Yeah but," Myah cried trying to come up with something that she could complain about, "i'm really hungry."

"That's all that matters for the time being
But obviously assuming you will be
Just thinking ahead, I'ma make it if it kills me
Let's see how far I can take it with this music"

"Just eat your gummy bears."

"No," she argued crossing her arms child like as she looked out of the window, "I want something good."

"Like what babe? The exit is coming up so you gotta let me know," Diego said while switching lanes so that he would be able to get off the interstate.

"Hmm," Myah thought as they drove past numerous fast food signs, "Taco Bell."

"You sure?" Diego smiled leaning over to kiss her temple quickly.

"I'm sure, yes," Myah smiled as they started to pull off the exit towards the nearest Taco Bell.

3 mins later..

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