Open Wounds

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So the lyrics are from Eminem's song Bad Husband because parts of it can relate to their situation. Not all, but some.

Plus he writes really emotional shit so.

But some of the lyrics I changed the wording around a bit so it made more sense.


Tears started to form in his eyes looking up seeing the box in the cabinet that was filled with used tests.

They all read positive.

"You hit me once and that I would use
To continue the pattern of abuse
Why did I punch back?
Baby, your dad is a scumbag,
I'm confused"

She was pregnant and he put his hands on her.

How long?

Since when?

Diego looked around out into the empty hallway that lead towards the living room. Myah was no where in sight as he held one of the little pink sticks in his hands as he slowly trailed out into the living room.

"M-Myah?" Diego stuttered looking around noticing the mess that they have made. There was glass scattered all over the hard wood floor leading into the kitchen.

A tear streamed down his cheek as he started to approach her staircase that lead to the many bedrooms that occupied the second floor. He heard low sobs coming from behind her door as he reached the top of the steps.

"We brought out the worst in each other
Someone had to make the sparring end
'Cause I loved you, but I hated that me
And I don't wanna see that side again"

"Myah?" he muttered under his breath as he brought his hand up knocking on her door.


"I-I'm sorry Myah.. I-I d-didn't know," Diego started struggling to find the words to say, "I messed up... p-please let me in I know this isn't your fault."

"But I'm sorry, Myah
More than you could ever comprehend
Leavin' you was fuckin' harder than
Sawing off a fuckin' body limb"

He rested his back against her door as he slowly slid down to the ground resting his face in his palms. He become overwhelmed with sadness as his mind started to rush through everything that they have been through together.

It wasn't her fault he kept telling himself recalling all the times he has fucked up.

"Once upon a time where all we had
Maybe that's what drew us
To each other, it was true love
Shit, we never knew was possible
We might have loved each other too much
And maybe that's what made us do what
We did to each other, all the screw-ups
'Cause you always thought that you was
More in love with me
And I was thinkin' I was more in love than you was"

"I-i'm sorry I hurt you..," he began, "I don't wanna hurt you. I-I never wanted to."

Silence. Again.

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