Elastic Heart

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It's been days since Myah and Diego have spoken to each other.  He always attempted to call, text and meet up with her, but she wasn't having it.  She figured what she saw was true.  So She believed it.


Saturday 12:09 p.m.

Myah was in the recording studio writing and producing music with Anthony.  Jess and Arabella was there with her to boost up her confidence along with Smokepurpp, Diego's friend.

"Alright that sounded great, let's try it again but a little slower," Anthony smiled up at Myah as she looked over at Jess and Arabella who were giving her a thumbs up.

"After we nail it, we will record it into the mic and see how it sounds," he said as he started playing the backround music.

Myah stood against the wall next to the doorway across from Anthony and her two girls.

(Play now)

"And another one bites the dust
But why can I not conquer love?
And I might've got to be with one
Why not fight this war without weapons?
And I want it and I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
And let's be clear, I trust no one" Myah started singing beautifully.

The studio door opened as Diego walked in hearing Myah's voice as he looked over in the room that she was in.  His heart melted as he listened to her voice hearing how passionate she as about her music.

"You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace"

Wow did he really love this girl. Oh, how we wanted her so bad but he knew how much she was hurting.  He could hear it in her voice.

"Well I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard
But I may snap when I-"

Myah stopped singing as she looked over seeing Diego tear up a few feet away from her.

"What're you doing here," she whispered as she looked up at him.

Arabella walked over between pulling Myah's arm to stay away from him.

"I miss you," he said as he wiped his cheek looking away from her.

"I-," Myah started before being cut off by Arabella.

"You hurt her Diego. How fucking dare you?" Arabella yelled pointing at him.

"I didn-," Diego started before Anthony pushed him out of the room leading him down the hall.

Myah started tearing up rubbing her eyes with her shirt.  She wondered where Anthony was taking him.
10 minutes later...

Anthony walks back in with Diego sitting down beside one another.

"Look," Anthony started, "I think you should hear him out.."

"Why should i?" Myah mumbled looking over at Diego's red cheeks.

"i'm sorry," Diego cuts in, "I didn't do anything wrong.  If you just let me prove it to you-,"

"And how can you prove it to me? I barely knew you and i trusted you.  You made me believe some pretty dumb shit, i'm not going to fall for your-," Myah started to rant on getting cut off by Diego.

"Read my texts. Go through my social media. I don't care.  I have nothing to do with that girl.  She's my crazy ex that hasn't left me alone since i started rising up..," he trailed off taking a deep breath in, "i promise you Myah."

Myah turned her head looking at Arabella almost asking for permission to respond.

"Every time i block her number, she gets a new one.  Every time i change my number, she figures it out. She's crazy Myah, i promise... There's no other girls in my life.. except my mom but you're different," he started to cry even more looking into her eyes, "Please."


Diego stood up moving to sit beside her on the studio couch. He grabs her hand holding it in his hands while leaning his forehead against hers.

"Please let me make it up to you.. I'm not like every guy," he whispers as he wipes her tears away off her cheeks.

"Okay," she bluntly says looking up at him.
It stayed silent for awhile before Anthony added in, "We can finish recording tomorrow Myah; I think you need some space, yea?"

Myah shook her head agreeing to his statement before walking out of the studio leaving Diego behind.  Arabella followed her out to her car hopping in the passenger seat. 

Before Myah had time to drive out of the parking lot she heard a faint 'wait,' coming from Diego as he made his way out of the building.

He reaches her car and bends down sticking his head in her window.

"Yes?" Myah asks smelling his breathe against her lips. 

She wanted to kiss him so bad.

"I'm coming," he stated before hopping in the back seat kissing her cheek as he closed the door.

Myah drove to Arabella's aunt's house without saying a word.

"See you girl," Arabella said rubbing her arm before getting out of the car.

As soon as Arabella got into her aunts Diego climbed over the seat smiling as he made it without hitting or scratching anything.

"Be careful," Myah mumbled before pulling out of her driveway and down onto the road.

The car ride felt like years to Myah.  She had no idea what to say to Diego.  She felt like a burden.

"I'm sorry," she stated as she kept driving.

"You don't have to apologize, love. Shit. I did it, forgive me," he smiled showing off his dimples.

She shook her head paying attention to the road ahead.

The rest of the car ride was silent before-

"I'm staying at your place," Diego stated as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"O-okay," was all she was able to mumble out before she reached her apartment building.

"Come in," she lightly smiled as she reached her apartment opening the door for the both of them.

"I'm right here princess," Diego stated following close behind.


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