Love Scars

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Those words pierced through Diego's chest making him sigh looking down at the ground. Myah pushes past Cole walking back into the living room grabbing her purse.

"Where you going?" Cole asked her as she shoved her phone into her purse.

"Home," Myah said as she started walking towards her luggage grabbing her duffel bag as she wiped her tears stained onto her face.

"Please don't," Diego said as he paced towards her grabbing her arm, "we can make this work."

Cole walked into the room stepping towards the two before another fight broke out. Diego pulled Myah closer to him making her cry out.

"You can't keep doing this to me Diego," she said raising her voice as it cracked.

"I know i'm stupid, i'm fucked up. I-,"

"You're not ready for a relationship. You're not ready for us," she said pulling her arm from him.

"I am!" Diego shouted running his fingers through his hair.

Myah ignored what he said turning to Cole, "Can we get out of here any sooner than tomorrow?"

"I uh.. I don't know. It depends.. are we still uploading the music video?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't think so," Myah whispered looking up at Diego watching him shatter to pieces.

"I don't know. I have to meet up with Keith Ape later tonight a few blocks from here. I'm sorry, tomorrow it has to be," Cole said as he watched Myah's face show true disappointment.

"Get out," Myah said looking over at Diego.

"What.. no," Diego said worriedly as Cole pulled on his arm.

"Just lets go. She needs space," Cole said dragging him towards the door opening it for him.

"I guess i owe her that," Diego mumbled covering his face with his hands before disappearing into the hallway.

"Everything will be okay," Cole said as he shut the door after he left making his way towards Myah. He wrapped his big arms around her as she rested her head on his chest.

8:02 p.m.

"I have to go see Keith Ape now," Cole said fixing his shirt in the mirror looking down at Myah spread across his bed.

"Have fun," she said as she watched the two girls arguing on the television screen, "on your way back can you get some Mcdonald's or something? I'll pay you back."

"It's on me," he smiled, "just text me what you want later."

"Got it," Myah smiled as Cole waved walking out of his room.

Myah heard the door to the suite slam shut after he left.  She decided to school through instagram.  She noticed a post Diego posted only a few minutes before.


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198.1k Likes & 6.5k Comments
Caption: words can't be described as to how i am feeling at this exact moment. 💔 she is the most beautiful girl that i have ever laid eyes on and i was blessed to be able to call her mine for a short amount of time.  i am not that type of guy to talk about his feelings on social media 💔💔 but i messed up.  please don't bash or bother Myah for anything.
remember how we used to stay up late nights talking about what we'd write on our vows to one another? it was just a joke but it meant everything to me. you mean everything to me. "Til Death do us Part" we used to kid around. 💔💔

A tear stroller down Myah's cheek as she read those words that he had said.  He wasn't the type to express his feelings often unless he was truly hurt.  She decided to read the comments to herself.

username1: wot happen 💔💔💔

username2: but my favorite couple 😢😢💔

username3: you cheated though. @/haileymae20

username4: WHAT HE DO ?! BABIES

Haileymae20: seems like your single now

username5: oooooo

XANXIETY: the photos you posted was from before i even fucking met her. leave it alone.

Haileymae20: but that kiss wasn't

username4: DRAMA OOO

username7: oh shit

XANXIETY: do you really want our business out there

Haileymae20: lol cheaters get caught

XANXIETY: i seen you in a fucking grocery store on my way to myahs. you so happen to want to have a 'small talk' didn't know that meant to kiss

Haileymae20: but you kissed back and didn't let your girlfriend know

Haileymae20: then messaged me back last night finally talking about meeting up

username3: ooooh crap

XANXIETY: you wouldn't stop blowing up my phone. i wasn't going to meet up with you. the kiss meant nothing to me

Myah set her phone down on her bed looking at the clock.  She was very tired from the crying that she had been doing all day.  She wanted to talk to Diego and hug it out so bad, but she was too hurt and knew that she couldn't give in. She walked out of the bed room into the living room to grab her suitcase bringing it along with her into the bathroom. She took out her razor and set it in the shower as she started to undress herself. She slowly slid her clothes off of her body resting it onto the floor as she turned on the steaming water.

"Shit," she moaned feeling the boiling water against her skin.

She looked down at the drain crying to herself as she kept replaying the moments in her mind. Her and Diego never fought that bad before and she didn't know what has gotten into her.

I'm stupid
i'm ugly
thats why he cheated on me
i'll never be good enough
just end your life already
nobody wants you

She tried to muffle her cries by placing her hand over her mouth. Her chest was heaving and she felt as if she was going to collapse. She knew what she thought was stupid but she couldn't help but to feel the pain.

She leaned her back up against the wall sliding down onto the bottom of the shower looking up into the water making her vision blurry. She sobbed to herself as she picked up her razor breaking it just the right way to get the actual part she needed. She looked at it before making up her mind.

I hate you

she winced as she slid the razor against her skin on her thigh, puncturing and cutting her like a cantaloupe. She winced at pain but soon got used to it again as she started going deeper into her skin seeing her blood start to leak out of her and down the drain.

here goes 7 months clean going down the drain

She stared to breathe heavy as she looked down at her wrists seeing her scars start to fade. She leaned her head back against the cold wall as she ran the razor blade down her wrist making her choke up in pain. Her breathing became rapid and more distant as she started to bleed out. The blood dripped off of her wrist and her thigh still leaked. She dropped the razor onto the bottom of the shower as she started to fall asleep.

not edited ! didn't wanna make the self harm part too drawn out bc it can be triggering to some people .

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