Star Shopping

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"I'm glad," Myah said smiling before sucking off her fingers, "Im about to go shower."

"I don't think you can though," Diego responded worriedly grabbing onto her hand as she was about to run off.

"Eh.  Don't care.  Ill cover it, i'll be okay," she smiled lightly leaning close to Diego kissing his cheek, "i promise," she finished before making her way out of the kitchen.


25 mins later..

"I see you're back," Diego smiled as he finished up the dishes drying his hands with a rag.

"I see you're still all—floury," she giggled walking closer to him.

Diego rolled his eyes as he watched her come towards him.

"I'm about to go shower too, any hot water?" he asked.

"There should be," Myah smiled as she made her way to the large couch plopping down onto it.

"Okay love, ill be back," Diego said walking over to her kissing her forehead lightly.

She watched him trudge up the steps before wiping her forehead from the light powder that he left onto her.   She decided to just play music on the radio beside her as she played games on her phone. 

Minutes has passed and Diego was still in the shower.  He takes long ass showers.  She checked the date on her phone realizing that Thanksgiving was only two days away. 

"Shit," she mumbled biting her lip slightly.  She started to think about what they were going to do for the holiday.  Of course, she wanted Diego to spend time with his mother—yanno he's a mama's boy.  He absolutely adored and cherished her, she knew she wanted to do something sweet.

Myah —> Candy: Hey, it's Myah.  I realized that Thanksgiving is two days away.. and I was wondering if you'd like to come over for the day? I was thinking Diego & I could come up with something.  I haven't spoken to him about it yet, he's showering.

Almost instantly Candy messaged her back.

Candy: That sounds really nice and sweet. Of course, if you need anything for me to bring just let me know.  I also need your address if you guys are having it at your place. 😌

Myah—> Candy: We most likely will.  I will text you the details after I speak to him.

Myah set her phone down smiling to herself when one of her favorite songs started to play on the radio.  A tear streamed down her cheek when she realized that it was Lil Peep's 'Star Shopping' that was playing to honor his death. 

She knew that Diego was a fan of his as well, and even honored him through many ways missing the poor guy.  The death was very recent, and it happened during the time that Myah needed somebody the most.  She always turned to Peep's music to help her stay sane.

She lowly started singing to the song as her geeks started to get puffy.

"The Earth's in rotation, you're waitin' for me
Look at my face, while I fuck on your waist
'Cause we only have one conversation a week
That's why your friends always hatin' on me
Fuck 'em though, I did this all by myself
Matter fact, I ain't never ask no one for help
And that's why I don't pick up my phone when it rings."

Diego slowly walked down the steps as he heard her voice echoing through her apartment.  He smiled to himself hiding behind the corner as his towel hung low around his waist.  He hid behind the corner listening to her sing her heart out.

As the song came to an end Myah wiped her eyes from the tears that were escaping as Diego entered the living room lightly smiling as he made his way towards her, sitting directly beside her & almost on top of her.

"Like i say time and time again.. you sound lovely," Diego reached up grazing his fingers across her cheek wiping her tears, "even when you're crying."

Myah smiled lightly turning her head to look up at Diego wanting to change the subject.

"So i realized Thanksgiving is 2 days away.. so i had an idea to cook here and invite your family..i already asked Candy."

Diego smiled wide as his eyes seemed a bright brighter as he looked down at his girl only inches away.

"I love that idea baby, thank you.. but what about your family?—or the family you do speak to."

"Don't want them to come. None of em."

Myah leaned her head down twiddling her fingers in her lap as Diego's face turned a bit upset.  She never told him the full reason why she doesn't get along with her family.  He knows that her mother was an alcoholic and her father abused her along with her siblings. The rest of the family were drug addicts that come from fucked up families as well.  She only spoke to her sisters & brothers every now and again—she didn't feel comfortable when they were in her presence.

"Baby.. why not your siblings at least?" Diego asked placing his hand on her knee.

"You don't know the full story," Myah said as tears started to emerge from her eyes, "you don't want to know."

"I do," Diego said mumbling his words as his eyes dropped.

"M-my brother," she started her throat hitching, "he did bad things to me..while my family watched."

not edited .

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