Pink Lips

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"I made a mistake," Diego said watching Myah's eyelids drop.

She opened the door wider moving to the side as the three guys made their way inside standing by their counter looking at Jess noticing her sleeping on the couch. Myah walked over in front of Diego before glancing over at Jess.

"What do you want?"

"You. Your forgiveness. Your love," Diego started reaching out for Myah's hand as she pulled away flinching a bit, "I messed up. Horribly."

Myah looked up at Pump and Anthony as Diego's face started to puff up turning a light shade of pink.

"W-what exactly did you d-do..and why did you get s-so mad after Kaitlyn called you," Myah managed to stumble out of her pink swollen lips.

Her eyes were dreary seeing the bags under her eyes. Her lips were a pretty shade of pink, yet chapped. Her skin was a pale white tone and her hands were cold and stiff.

"I-uh," Diego mumbled taking his hoodie off of his head playing with it in his hands.

"Spit it out," Myah said crossing her arms leaning back against the counter.

Lil Pump and Anthony stood against the opposite side of the kitchen listening onto the conversation. Myah stood there waiting for a response as tears started to emerge from her eyes.

"Kaitlyn and I.. well we dated when i was younger.. like i already told you. She was the reason why i got addicted to xanax for 2 years of my life. That's why we broke up. She always wanted to party and do drugs, but i didn't want that anymore," Diego said looking down at the ground, "I uh.. after you left the studio i found a bag of xanax Anthony was hiding.. i felt like shit and i decided to take the bag.. I met up with Kaitlyn an-," Diego started to say before Myah pushed his back into the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Myah turned around and headed straight for the bathroom slamming and locking the door. She sat on the toilet and sobbed clenching fists. Jess woke up looking over at the three guys in the living room. She stretched her legs before walking over into the kitchen.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Jess half yelled glaring at Diego as he stood there against the island.

Anthony intervened stating, "We stopped by because Diego wanted to talk to her."

"He's said enough," Jess said walking towards the bathroom door knocking on it softly, "Myah it's me."

Myah got up from the toilet opening up the door revealing Jess. She pulled Myah into a hug holding her in her arms. Diego walked up behind Jess watching the girls as they hugged it out.

"Please," Diego sobbed, "can we talk."

Myah pulled away from Jess looking up at him before nodding her head slightly.

"Are you sure?" Jess asked watching Myah walk out of the bathroom beside Diego.

"Yea," Myah uttered out looking up at Diego's bloodshot eyes.

Myah started walking towards the front door grabbing her jacket before stepping out onto the freezing porch Diego right behind. She pulled herself up onto the railing dangling her feet against the wood. Diego sat beside her resting his hand between her and him.

"I didn't do anything with her," Diego mumbled out, "When i got there i didn't realize who she was or what i was doing. I sat down on her couch and she started to undress herself wanting me. I pushed her off of me repeatedly but she kept trying. When she kissed me i did kiss her back—ONLY for a second though before i got up looking for you. I said i needed you and that you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I left and since then i been looking for you." Diego finished watching the tear stream down Myah's pink cheeks.

"It's true, what i said. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Diego held Myah's hand as they sat there in silence. You could hear the crickets in the dark night and the ruffling of the leaves moving from the animals in the woods.

"It's fine," Myah whispered looking up at Diego.

"I fucked up," he said rubbing Myah's hand with his thumb.

She lightly smiled before leaning her head against his shoulder.

"I don't want you talking to her."

Diego smiled down at Myah kissing her head softly.

"I don't plan on speaking to her ever again.  I don't know why i let her get to me.  I don't know why i decided to something so stupid," he sighed as he pulled out his phone handing it to Myah.

"Do whatever you want with it, delete who you want," Diego said before blocking the Kaitlyn, "I don't want you to have to worry about anybody."

Myah smiled taking his phone before putting it in her pocket.

"Also," Myah started looking up at the stars in the sky, "Jess kind of kissed me."

Diego looked down at Myah mouth wide open shocked what he just heard.

"What," he smiled wrapping his arm around Myah.

"Jess leaned in to kiss me.  Yes, i kissed her back but it was only a peck,"

"So you cheated!" Diego laughed pushing Myah's shoulder lightly.

"I did not! She's my best friend," Myah started, "but if i ever.. ever find out another girl's lips was on your body or yours were on another girl's it'd be the end of you."

"Damn..psycho," Diego said laughing, "but i absolutely love that about you."

Myah inhaled the cool air as they sat there taking in their surroundings.

"I mean. I'm still mad at you. Because you're clearly stupid, but i'll end up forgiving you." Myah said.

"Oh, so you don't forgive me?" Diego asked frowning a bit.

"Just don't do anything else that is stupid. I can leave just as fast as i got with you," Myah said standing up keeping her composure.

She walked towards the door leading inside as Diego followed her.  She stopped in her tracks turning around to face him before she deciding to go inside.

"I'm watching you," Myah said entering her best friend's house.

'Damn' Diego thought smiling to himself. He loved how crazy and stubborn she was acting.

'that's my soldier' he thought to himself.

not edited

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