what if |-/ means "i'm not at peace"?
i mean, they literally make the peace sign and then cross it.
what if |-/ is actually a sign of unhappiness?
what if it just stuck around?
what if it shouldn't have?
what if it's a sign of weakness and that's why tyler won't say what it is?
because we all take it as a sign saying "stay alive"
but what if tyler never explains it, exactly because it shows a state of mind where you're not at peace, where you're falling apart, where you're suicidal and everything is bad?
what if tyler just wants us to enjoy the meaning we created for ourselves?
what if i'm right?
see what you're finding // 6th spam
De Todo" i'm bad at love " i am going to applaud if this book lives to see 2018 //trigger warning//