hello! it's tyler, i just wanted to quickly check in before we go to sleep
(it's 6am atm)
i just wanted to say how happy i've been lately with most things, any anger episodes a's had lately have passed quite quickly, i'm more than proud with her 41 days, i also gotta say josh is beautiful as ever hehe
when josh and i sleep, i wrap my wings around us and that's what's happening atm and i'm a bit uncomfortable in this certain position, but i love him so i'm not complaining c:
i really missed you all, lately i've returned to just reading stuff off the phone from over a's shoulder (only the stuff she let's me see, of course. i respect her privacy)
but i'm tired now and i want a to go to sleep, so nighty!! i'll try to check in more often, i really like you guys c:
see what you're finding // 6th spam
Random" i'm bad at love " i am going to applaud if this book lives to see 2018 //trigger warning//