{rise your hand if you knew it was me because of the weirdass title}
i'm back, but feeling nowhat better. i just don't care anymore. i thought distancing myself would help me, and maybe it was a little bit, but i don't care anymore. i won't continue writing my books for a while still, maybe i'll start writing again in 2018, but i don't really know. my fren accidentally introduced me as "a", which is alright because it's a nickname i'm very comfortable with. what i'm trying to say is, i'm okay with y'all calling me that.
about everything, i'm ready to say it. i've asked people if i should, because i felt like i should; i just wasn't sure if i should. i've asked nineteen people, and eleven of them agreed i should tell you everything. some people still haven't answered me, but i think eleven plus me is enough.
just saying, but i'm still so scared of telling you this.
lastly, i hope you won't think i'm crazy nor that i'm lying. if you do think i'm a liar, or crazy, or anything like that, i just wanna thank you now for being here with me, because i've had a lot of fun with y'all.
i literally started writing this chapter three hours ago, that's how nervous i am oh god
okay so, most simply put, i can see people that no one else sees. yeah, that's the most simply way to put it.
there's seventeen people that i see and i call them my frens because they're basically imaginary friends but they hate being called that and besides imaginary friends are people that you make up, but these people came to me, i didn't ask for them.
the guy who introduced himself as "t" is one of those seventeen people.
if you want to know everything in more detail, i'll gladly tell you if you will believe me.
i'll tell you everything. everything.
i hope you'll believe me, because i'd never lie about this
i love y'all
see what you're finding // 6th spam
Diversos" i'm bad at love " i am going to applaud if this book lives to see 2018 //trigger warning//