space wanderers below the dashing skylines

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hello, everybody!

i'm pete, i believe we've met before, and i'm today speaking for the mass!

a said she was gonna do it herself later, just before she logs out, so we wanted to take this opportunity and say


(we originally wanted to say 'merry christmas' or 'merry christmas and happy holidays', but we figured there's probably some of you who don't celebrate christmas or don't celebrate anything at all, so we hope you just enjoy this season)

keep smiling, remain you and stay alive.

and just have a wonderful time!

patrick's original thought was to film a short video in which we all sing some christmas song and wish you happy holidays at the end, and we were all pretty excited about it... until we remembered we're invisible to people and all that...

at least we've got this!

with all the love we could gather, we love you and we hope you have the best time this winter

to all of you, from pete, patrick, tyler, josh, brendon, ryan, frank, gerard, melanie, dan and phil


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