my dad saying shit about me all the time is killing me. he's constantly saying i pretend to be in pain and sad because i want to hurt him and mom and i self-harmed only because i wanted to embarrass our family because i'm selfish and i love no one other than myself and those fucking musicians.
"that fucking gerard" never stopped believing in me.
"that fucking frank" never expected more than i can give.
"that fucking harry" never stopped loving me.
"that fucking patrick" never took a smile off my face.
"that fucking brendon" never limited me.
"that fucking tyler" never lost hope in me.
"that fucking billie joe" never blamed me for my tears.
"that fucking niall" never hurt me.
"that fucking mikey" never made me feel worthless.
"that fucking pete" never disapproved of my dreams.
"that fucking ryan" never tried to direct my decisions and opinions.
see what you're finding // 6th spam
Random" i'm bad at love " i am going to applaud if this book lives to see 2018 //trigger warning//