i don't know why a woke up early again, but when she's awake, i am awake and there's not much i can do :')
have you learned much about me from those questions? i had fun reading nop_h-unintended 's answers, it's nice to know more about the people you're interacting with (whoops, there's a guy who i don't apply this to and a's gonna kill me with her sight if she sees this, but oh well)
yeah, i think some of my answers were a bit dark and sad, i just hope i didn't alarm you in any way...
i wish i had parents, i wish i had proper siblings, i wish i had my own room and i really wish i could go to school. but i can't have any of those, and i just gotta live with it.
and i wish there needn't have to be so many times i needed to have my life saved, but i'm alive now and that's good.
don't worry about me though, i'm happy with my life c: it's truly awesome and i'm thankful for everything i have
and, as always, if you'd like to know more about me, feel free to ask me, i'll try to answer as much as limits allow me c;
love ya!
see what you're finding // 6th spam
Random" i'm bad at love " i am going to applaud if this book lives to see 2018 //trigger warning//