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A young woman stands motionlessly atop an abandoned warehouse overgrown with vines, staring absently at the full moon beaming down on her from the sky. A pair of large wings protrude from her back, clad in dark red feathers with ebony streaking them in a random fashion. Twin ebony orbs glow in the darkness, narrowing as the woman drags her gaze from the moon to flicker absently around the star-speckled sky.


She jumps as a honey-coated male voice rings out behind her, her large wings fluttering in shock. The woman whirls around to spot a young man clad in pure white alighting on the rooftop behind her, his glowing, pristine white-feathered wings beating heavily against the air as he lands softly on the building. His eyes are a warm yet a piercing blue, boring into her heated red ones as he approaches her.

Her blood-red lips curl into a light smile, exposing razor-sharp fangs as the white-clad man moves to stand at her side. He silently reaches for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers and squeezing.

"Have you thought about it?" He presses gingerly.

"Yes, I have, Baekhyun." She replies earnestly, tilting her head to gaze up at him with suddenly warm eyes. "I want to have a child."

"Really?" He asks elatedly, a wide smile threatening to split his cheeks. However, it doesn't last long, soon dropping from his full lips. "Are you aware of the risks that will be taken and the rules that will be broken? You do know that angels and demons aren't allowed to have children."

"I do, but that doesn't matter to me." She says. "Punishment doesn't frighten one when they value love even more. I love you, and I want to bear your child."

"I'm so happy but," his voice trails off as he buries his head into the crook of her neck, "will we tell her or him?"

"No, of course not." The woman says firmly. "They must never know, because if Heaven and Hell find out, we'll all be slaughtered."

"What color wings do you think that they will have?" He inquires softly, wrapping his arms around the woman's waist as she sighs.

"I'm not sure, a half-angel half-demon has never been born before. They will be the first, so there's no telling what their wings will look like. One could be white while the other is black, for all we know." The woman says, folding her wings back as the man encompasses her with his soft, feathery angel wings. She relaxes into his gentle touch, knowing that a demon would never have the oh-so-soft touch of an angel like him.

"Do you think that they will bear one of our marks, or their own?" The angel is persistent with his questions, earning a small laugh from the demon.

"I'm not sure, Baekhyun." She answers with a smile of her own. "They'll probably have their own unique symbol, being the first and probably only half-angel half-demon." She nudges him gently. "You fret too much, my love."

Baekhyun merely sighs in defeat. "I know, but I'm just afraid. The child must be kept a secret, which also means that we must leave Heaven and Hell and take up residence on Earth." The man points out, and the woman agrees with a solemn nod.

"No one will ever know. And neither will the child."

Simultaneously, they both turn to stare distantly at the moon in silence, their hands locked together out of refusal of ever being separated from one another.

Darkness and Light.

Yin and Yang.

Angel and Demon.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now