Spin-Off Story {M}

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Alright, so I am attempting to fulfill the wishes of two different types of people: those who want smut and those who don't. Therefore, I have elected to create two different spin-off stories, one with smut and one without. I am releasing them at roughly the same time. FEEL FREE TO SKIP IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ SMUT.

Now, keep in mind that I am not gifted at writing smut and this is only the second smut that I have written. I'm sorry if it's not what you all were expecting and I'm sorry if I don't meet your expectations, but I tried, and my mind is still fried from finals.

I'm sorry that it took so long, loves! (Damn, I need to stop apologizing💀)


A strangled gasp spills from my lips as my spine collides harshly with the sturdy wood of Jungkook's door, only to be silenced by the shocking sight of Jungkook's twin orbs of soulless ebony boring into my startled ones. His soft and supple lips of cherry-blossom-pink are drawn taut into a deep scowl of ire, every chiseled line of his handsome features cast in the dark shadows of the lighting, his darkened gaze ignited with a blazing flame of possessive ferocity that roils and laps at the depths of his eyes. Emerald traces of bitter envy thread themselves throughout the identical mirrors of obsidian, his virile jawline screwed up in a visible struggle to detain himself.

My mind swirls with lingering remnants of the events that had occurred prior to Jungkook's slender fingers wrapping around my wrist and yanking me from Taehyung's room, yet threatens to be overridden by apprehension as Jungkook only remains silent. Despite the passing of a few months since my resurrection, the bubbly demon known as Taehyung has only allowed his desires to spend more time with me flourish, claiming that he wishes to fill his mind with memories of our blossoming friendship before anything else happens to me. Thus, he had invited Jungkook and I to his room, where he and I had engaged in a light-hearted conversation brimming with playful shoves and raucous cajoling. Jungkook had refrained from speaking the entire time and would only answer in the form of grunts and one-word responses, and yet I could sense his calculative gaze sweeping over Taehyung's every touch.

Now, here I am, pinned helplessly against the bedroom door with Jungkook's arms bracketing me in by planting his large hands on either side of my head. He withdraws his head slightly to place distance between us, but I sense my stomach plummeting as a carnal smirk tinges his lips.

"And just what do you think you were doing with Taehyung?" Jungkook's tone dips into a warning growl that reverberates throughout his chest. "I'm disappointed in you, babygirl."

"I-It was only harmless!" I respond weakly in a tremulous tone. "Taehyung and I are only friends. Y-You know this, and to believe that I would think anything different of Taehyung would be absurd."

"Would it?" He chuckles darkly. My breathing hitches against my will as he abruptly lowers his head to hover just above the juncture where my neck meets the delicate curve of my shoulder, the phantom of his warm breath ghosting over the sensitive skin and causing an array of goosebumps to arise. An impetuous whimper pours forth from my lips before I can halt it as his pristine teeth lightly close around my earlobe, briefly tugging on it. "Or would it be the truth?" He murmurs.

"It's not the truth!" I insist, but Jungkook simply shakes his head.

"Are you sure about that? You and he seemed to be pretty touchy with each other, if I do recall. Maybe you would rather want Taehyung pleasuring you." As he speaks, his wandering fingers brush butterfly-soft kisses over my side as they dance down to rest upon the waistband of my athletic shorts, his index finger hooking into the material and drawing it back until it snaps against my sensitive flesh. "Maybe I can't give you what you want."

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