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I careen down the dimly-lit hallway, covering ground with seemingly winged feet as I barrel full-steam towards Yura's waiting door. Jungkook's fist is twisted into the back of my shirt, nearly unable to keep up with my elation-fueled pace as he tails after me. A wide smile distorts my features as I near her door, a tingling sensation glittering in my stomach, almost as if I had downed an entire bottle of sparkling water.

When I get to the door, I do not hesitate to throw open her unlocked door and stagger almost drunkenly inside the room. Jungkook tumbles after me, but I'm scarcely aware. Yura is seated on the edge of her bed, head hanging in despair while her pale hair gleams beneath the piercing lights. Her bones are prominent through her clothing, implying that she had been refraining from eating well. She does not shift from her position, almost as if she's numb to the outside world and lost within her swirling mind.

"Guess who's back from the dead, hoe!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Yura's head snaps up at the sound of my voice, her haunted green eyes widening when they come to rest upon me standing in front of her open door. Her cheeks have hollowed due to lack of food and energy, her lips thin and skin deathly pale against the ebony softness of her comforter that she's currently seated on.

"W-Wait," she lifts a trembling finger and points disbelievingly to me, gazing at Jungkook who is just now picking himself up off the floor and dusting himself off while mumbling irritated obscenities beneath his breath. "Do you see her, too?"

Jungkook chuckles. "It's her, Yura. I didn't believe it at first, either."

She turns back to face me, mouth ajar as she gapes in stunned shock at me. I merely stand there like an idiot, a huge smile threatening to split my cheeks.

"(Y/N)?" She whispers, and I nod vigorously.

We all fall into a few moments of silence before the peaceful quiet is utterly shattered by an elated scream ripping from Yura's throat. I open my arms to her and she does not hesitate to go into them, leaping into my arms and encompassing her outer limbs around my body. A sob rattles her body, her tears soaking into my shirt as she clings to me like a baby koala would to its mother. I bury my nose into her shirt, inhaling her familiar scent while she interlocks her fingers and squeezes me tightly.

"How is this possible?" She slides off my body, sidling backward to gape once more at me. Joyful tears brim in her eyes as she reaches out to cup my cheeks within her warm palms lovingly. "You gave up your life for my unworthy brother... so how is this possible?"

"Pardon?" Jungkook coughs, but we both ignore him.

"I gave him a second chance, so I was sent back with one of my own." I reply, voice cracking as stinging tears blur my vision slightly.

"I missed you so much!" She yanks me into another hug that lingers, our bodies molded together as we cling desperately to each other with relief and elation. "I still can't believe that this is happening!" She cries.

"It's okay, Yura." I coo comfortingly, pulling back to gingerly wipe a single tear from her hollow cheek. "Don't cry."

She nods and swallows hard, undoubtedly attempting to ward off the knot in her throat. Yura drops her hands from my body and smiles through the ever-pouring tears that stream down her pale face.

"Do you know where I can find Taehyung?" I probe tentatively.

Yura nods. "He's with Yoongi in Yoongi's room. I just visited them."

"Thanks, love." I lean forward and hug her once more. "You're coming with me." I grab her sleeve with one hand while using my free hand to lace my fingers with a shocked Jungkook's.

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