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I melt into the shadows of the yawning corridor as I move silently through the residential hallway, not wanting to attract any attention from any straggling passersby. Pearl drops of sadness stain my cheeks, faint ebony streaks marring my cheeks as I fight back a new tidal wave of tears.

Just when I thought that maybe Jungkook could actually be different, he proved me wrong. Yah, I'm so stupid! I can't believe that I actually had faith in him.

I have never felt this furious and disappointed toward Jungkook before, not even when he openly threatened to hurt me. In my eyes, hollow threats are one thing, but when one decides to assault my self-confidence and degrade me in such a way, I slowly begin to feel my self-control dwindle into nothingness before I finally snap.

I'm not intent on retreating back to Jungkook's room immediately, knowing full well that the demented demon would undoubtedly end up there, shutting out the world and falling into that snippy and irritable state after having his ego bruised. Instead, I slink along the shadowed walls, gradually making my way to Yura's room.

Stupid Jungkook. Stupid emotions. Stupid angels. Stupid trust. A various array of thoughts scamper rampantly through my whirling mind, simply refusing to leave when I attempt to shoo them away. Conflicting emotions battle within me; burning anger and bitter disappointment, topped off with a melancholy smile I had slapped onto my face.

Once I reach Yura's door, I weakly raise a clenched fist to knock softly on the wood. Almost at once, the door is flung open and I'm pulled into a tight but welcoming embrace.

I squeak in surprise at the sudden hug, promptly wrapping my arms around her middle and returning a gentle squeeze. I can sense the negative emotions beginning to drain away as Yura holds tight to me, warmth and thankfulness for her taking their place. The scent of pine is faint as it hangs in the air around us, painfully tugging at my heart as it reminded me of stupid Jungkook's scent.

Yura pulls away after a moment but keeps her hands encompassing my smaller ones, gazing sympathetically into my eyes. "I could tell by your aura that you were upset before you even knocked on the door. So I figured that you could use a hug."

I smile at her pure generosity, perplexed by how someone so genuine and kind could share the same DNA as the most feared beings known to man.

"Come inside," she abruptly turns and pulls me inside, closing the door quietly behind us. Yura guides me to her bed and quickly takes a seat, gently pulling me down to sit next to her on the soft, welcoming bed. I allow her to take my limp hand, every drop of fight having been used up on Jungkook. Then, she asks, "(Y/N), what happened?"

I open my mouth and words tumble from my lips, spilling the painful memories of being grabbed by the prisoners and how Jungkook reacted once he had saved me. Yura listens all the while, nodding slowly in understanding while a new round of tears begin to brim in my eyes. I hastily wipe away my tears, most likely further smearing my makeup, and finish off the story.

"So, what do you think?" My voice croaks slightly, wracked with the urge to cry once more.

"First of all, I don't think that you're upset about just Jungkook," Yura informs. "I think that you're still struggling to adjust to your new life after having been dropped here so suddenly and the angels just killed... yeah, so your emotions are all out of whack. Second, you may think that I'm trying to defend Jungkook when I say this, but I'm just telling it how it is. Jungkook is actually beginning to have feelings for you, and he doesn't know how to express or handle them. When he called you a slut, which he definitely shouldn't have and I'm going to punch him for later, he was scared and angry and didn't know how to express his worry about you so he turned to anger, something that he's always done whenever he's unsure about how to react. He doesn't hate you, though. He just has no clue what to do with his feelings when he catches them. And that story about how someone didn't come back from feeding the prisoners, that's a lie. A mere story. That isn't true at all."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now