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Your POV

"Stop! Please!"

My eyes flash open as a distressed whimper yanks me harshly from my contented dream, only to wince when my pupils are assaulted with an unforgiving army of piercing light. I groan and allow my eyes to adjust, figuring that it must be some time late in the morning since the overhead lights that mimic the sun's rays and movements are fairly bright.


I, slightly annoyed at having been awoken, shove the fluffy blanket off my body and clamor to my knees, peering over the back of the love-seat to catch a glimpse of the source of the desperate pleas. My heart plummets, sympathy completely draining any sense of irritation from my body.

Oh, Jungkook...

Jungkook is lying sprawled on his bed, his legs entangled in his comforter that he must've kicked off the upper half of his body in the midst of his fitful sleep. His uneven lips are slightly parted, soft whimpers of fearful torment escaping his throat while his hands twitch unconsciously in his sleep. His shirt has ridden up due to his inability to sleep peacefully, exposing his impressive abs and his toned v-line due to his sweatpants having slid down even further on his hips during the night.

I swallow hard and step silently from the warmth of the love-seat where I have been sleeping for the past few weeks. My bare feet shuffle against the soft carpet as I cautiously make my way to Jungkook's side, not halting when his eyelids and fingers twitch fretfully in his unsettling slumber.

Wispy strands of his silky hair cling to his forehead that is currently coated in a sheen of sweat, and I affectionately push them back in a comforting manner. He whimpers at my touch and edges slightly away from me, his lips slightly quivering as he murmurs a phrase that shatters my heart.

"Please don't hurt me, Mother. I'll be good!"

A low whine of terror emits from his throat, and my heart skips a beat as I realize that this is the first time that I have ever witnessed him demonstrating any type of fear. Whatever is happening in his dream has obviously traumatized him, permanently corrupting his thoughts until he's had no choice but to lock them up in the darkest recesses of his brain. Now they're spilling forth, the ice encasing his heart having melted and having left the lock to rust and eventually break beneath the weight of the memories pounding relentlessly to be released.

"Jungkook," I whisper brokenly. He flinches when I gently take his hand and run my fingertips over his palm, tracing the natural lines in his skin, but doesn't awake from his dream.

"P-Please, put it down!" He whimpers in horror, his fingertips twitching as his dream consumes him with genuine and insurmountable fear.

"Jungkook!" I can't take it any longer. I grab him roughly by the shoulders and jostle his body, wanting him--no, needing him--to wake up. I can't sit by and watch him suffer.

His eyes snap open and he bolts upright, his crimson orbs so wide with fear that I can see the whites in his intricate eyes. His chest heaves as he fights for breath, fright prominent on his features as his eyes dart around wildly before locking with my worried ones.

"Jungkook," my voice threatens to crack. I waste no time in lunging at the poor boy, wrapping my arms around his chest and burying my face into the crook of his sweat-slicked neck in relief.

"(Y/N)," he croaks, encircling his arms around my waist and pressing my body against his as his shoulders shake with dry sobs. "I'm sorry..."

I immediately pull away and stare at him in confusion. "For what?"

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now