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"J-Jungkook? What are you doing?" I barely manage to form coherent words as his grip around me tightens ever-so slightly, the soft fabric of his changed shirt tickling my bare arms. Just yesterday he was completely avoiding making eye contact with me because he was afraid of affection.

What changed?

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He mumbles against my skin, the sensation of his lips slightly brushing the crook of my neck sending a shiver running through my nerves.

"No, not at all. I'm just confused as to why you're changing so suddenly. Not too long ago you were completely ignoring my existence and now you're actually engaging in physical affection." I'm actually experiencing the exact opposite of his assumption, feeling the inexplicable craving for him to keep his arms wrapped around me and to remain encompassed in this type of rare embrace.

He sighs and suddenly untangles himself from my body, causing me to scowl in displeasure at the sensation of cold air that's now replacing his warmth. Jungkook moves away from me and shuffles across the floor to take a seat on his bed with his back pressed against the metal headboard. My eyes widen as he extends his arms to me expectantly and moves his hands in a repetitive open-close motion, gesturing for me to join him.

I saunter across the room towards him, battling back a smile at how innocent and harmless he looks when motioning for me to come to him. The grim scowl that had always been carved into his face has now vanished, replaced with a light smile and crimson eyes that glow with warmth rather than the frigid emptiness I had grown so accustomed to seeing.

Jungkook instantly grabs my arm and pulls me to sit between his parted legs, pushing my shoulder back so I can recline against his muscular frame. I barely refrain from squeaking when his arms snake silently around my waist, his hands resting lightly on my stomach as he places his chin gingerly atop my head. He's clinging so gently to me that it's almost as if he's afraid that I will shatter in his hands.

"I was scared." He murmurs, his voice slightly muffled by my hair. "I ignored you for such a long time because I was afraid of the affection that you were displaying. I didn't want to screw anything up and revert back to my old ways because I truly felt as if you're the only girl that I enjoy having around, and I didn't want to upset you by doing something wrong or losing control. For a time, it took a monumental amount of self-control for me to keep my composure, especially when your scent alone makes me go weak."

I bolt upright, apologies already beginning to bubble in my throat. I already had an idea of how he regarded me and how he views himself, but I'd been absolutely clueless that his control was constantly threatening to slip from his grasp every time he was around me. "I had no idea!" I gasp out, trying to break free from his grasp when I feel him shift uncomfortably beneath me and the muscles in his legs tighten a considerable amount. "I'm sorry, I'll stop torturing you now."

But Jungkook shakes his head and pulls me back against him, burying his face into the crook of my neck. His hot breath fans my neck as he exhales slowly and I unconsciously lean my head back against his shoulder. "No, I'm fine. I've gotten it under control, although it's really difficult when a certain girl is literally pressed up against me."

"Okay, now you're beginning to make me feel bad and--" I pout, but my words suddenly cut off and I stiffen as his slightly-chapped lips brush against one of the sweet spots on my neck. My lips part unknowingly in stunned shock and a low chuckle rumbles in his chest.

"Did I find one of your soft spots?" He smirks against my skin, all signs of the formerly awkward and distant young man I had grown used to vanishing without a trace. His sexual, playboy side is beginning to shine through the cracks, but I don't exactly hate it.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now