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Jungkook's POV

The journey back to my room through the winding, shadow-ruled palace is completed in utter silence, neither (Y/N) or I daring to speak to each other. I grit my teeth as I hear her bouncing footsteps trailing behind me and the soft rustling of her wings that skim the walls of the lengthy corridor, quickly followed by a stifled giggle of elation that escapes her lips. I want to speak with her, but my heart is still gripped tightly with lingering worry and I don't trust the potential words that could slip from my lips unintentionally.

What was she thinking? And how is she so happy right now? She nearly died!

I stop short in the middle of an empty-walled hallway, my body refusing to shift in even the slightest as she crashes directly into my bare, marked back with a surprised squeak. Thank goodness I had folded my wings away, or else there could have been damage to them due to her inability to halt on a dime.

"What was that for?" Her voice pipes up behind my shoulder, laced with irritation. I turn to see her standing about three feet away with her arms crossed over her... chest area. Cheeks already alight with red, I lift my eyes to her face in a vain attempt at clearing the accidental view from my mind. Her captivating features are twisted in confusion and annoyance as she narrows her newly silver and gold eyes at me.

"What were you thinking?" My voice is rough and slow, taking care to form only words that she could not take offense to. "You nearly died because of me!"

Low light flickers across her face, her prior expression quickly shifting into one of a soft resolve as she drops her arms to hang limply at her sides. "Well I wasn't going to watch him kill you, so I decided to intervene and help you out."

I want to tear my hair out in frustration, but I cling desperately to the fact that she's in one piece and perfectly fine. The image of the older warrior's hands on her as he smirks down at her is seared into my mind permanently, and I can't help but believe that if I had never run off, this never would've happened.

However, her Change is what perplexes me the most. An angel or a demon only undergoes the Changing whenever they are placed in a situation that could alter their life, such as having someone or something to them be placed in danger. It's at that moment when they complete the transformation and shift into the true being that they're meant to be, then proceed to impulsively act based on their heritage. For instance, if she were a demon, she would've gone ballistic and attacked the warrior immediately; and if she were an angel, she would've promptly snatched him up and dragged him to Zeus for judgment. But, since she has proven to be a balance of both, her solution was peaceful but firm and strong, her black and white spirit intertwining with one another to produce a glowing silver that is neither good nor evil.

"He wouldn't have killed me," I respond to her through gritted teeth. "The number one rule is to never kill one another, and everyone abides or else they shall be slaughtered themselves."

"Well you seemed to be doing a pretty good job of squeezing the life out of your first opponent, am I wrong?" Her soft sympathy snaps into a glare of discontentment and annoyance.

I fall silent, knowing that she's correct. If Hoseok had not intervened, I could've ended up strangling the foolish newbie to death. My eyes had been clouded with a crimson mist of hurt and fury after leaving (Y/N)'s room after confessing to her sleeping form, and all I needed to do at that point was throw someone around to rid myself of the bottled-up emotions.

"How long were you there?" My voice croaks.

"Ever since you grabbed him by the throat and that orange-haired guy had to pull you away." She rolls her eyes. "Now hurry up and walk so I can patch you up."

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