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Jungkook's POV

I stare down at (Y/N) in utter shock and frozen disbelief as her body goes limp in my arms, her chest stilling as her final breath sighs from her lips. My body has succumb to pure shock, locking up as the unfolded scene plays on replay like a scratched record in my mind.

This can't be real.


Please... No...

"(Y/N)?" An unexpected sob grips my throat as I lightly shake her, but it's no use. Her head merely lolls to the side, her face already paling due to lack of circulation while mine glows with restored life.

Her... Her life...

This can't be real...

She couldn't have given her life up for me... I'm not worth it!

This has to be some kind of sick game!

"(Y/N), this isn't funny! Wake up!" My body trembles uncontrollably as I fight off the cruel acceptance that life no longer lingers in her body. Tears blur my vision, spilling over and washing like relentless rivers down my flushed face where they drip off my prominent jaw and splatter onto her icy face. I cling to her frigid hands as I weep shamelessly, shaking my head against the nagging voices that tell me that she's truly gone.

It seems so... unreal...

She can't really be gone...

I won't accept it...

The whopping amount of crushing grief is so much more than I have ever experienced before in my life. My chest contracts roughly as violent sobs wrack me, my whole body shaking while my hands move to caress her cold face. Uncontrollable yet pitiful hiccups convulsing my chest, I brush strands of her silky locks away from her face and press my lips against her cold cheek for a brief moment. My salty tears drip onto her face, splattering her bloodless skin with pearl drops of sadness.

"Wake up... Don't do this to me!" I whisper brokenly, lightly inclining my forehead to brush against my deceased love's as more translucent opals drip onto her slightly parted lips. "Why did you do this? Why did you give up your life for me? Why, (Y/N)? Why didn't you just let me die! I promised myself that I would never let anything happen to you, and now you're dead because of me!"

Self-loathing writhes furiously inside me, making my head pound as her death milks me of every tear that I possess.

"I promised myself that I would protect you," I breathe out shakily. "And now you're gone... Forever..."

Why does Life have to be so damn cruel? Why couldn't it have left the one woman that I've actually loved alive? Why did it have to take her? And why did she surrender her life for me? After every hateful word and hateful nickname, she still has enough compassion to lie, lifeless, in my place... I hate myself...

My senses have gone so numb, aside from the bitter grief and self-hatred that swirls in the pit of my stomach, that I hardly notice the door being flung open and three bodies barreling through the door full steam.


The trembling sound of my hated half-sister's voice is enough to cause me to draw away from my angel's lifeless form, and I turn to see her standing in the doorway with her jaw unhinged and eyes wide with disbelief. Taehyung and Yoongi are fanned out behind the female demon, identical expressions of glee and shock plastered on their weary faces as they witness me sitting before them, alive yet so empty.

"B-But, I thought you..." Yura raises a trembling finger, and I merely nod to confirm her suspicions.

Before I can react, Taehyung and Yoongi careen towards me on tottering legs, enveloping my body in a crushing hug while relieved tears stream from their watery eyes. The most I can form my numb lips into is a mumbled greeting as the two squeeze my body between theirs as they profusely express their joy through blubbering and barely intelligible phrases.

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