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"Jungkook?" My quiet voice is barely audible in the vastness of the intricate corridor as I slowly trail the demon back to the hallway where his room branches off. "Satan really said that I'm staying with you?"

He remains silent and continues on his way, refraining from even glancing back at me and thus confirming my greatest fear.

Is he really serious about hurting me? I stare absently at the back muscles outlined against the tight fabric of his ebony shirt and notice two slits in the back of his shirt. Through the clumsily-slashed material, I can see slivers of his honey-toned skin, his muscles rolling beneath his flesh as he stalks silently down the corridor. I figure that they must serve the purpose of freeing his wings and then dismiss my perplexed thoughts of Jungkook altogether.

He freezes suddenly after approaching one of the doors on the right, causing me to yelp in surprise as I do my best to avoid running into him.

"Shut up." He growls to me before swinging the door open wide and ushering me swiftly yet carelessly inside.

I feel my blood boil at his carelessness and rudeness that he's currently displaying, also knowing that this most likely won't change anytime soon, if at all. I'm surprised to see that his room is set up and designed in the same exact manner that Taehyung's has been. Right down to the last detail, their rooms are identical, even the way that the ignited wooden planks spit sparks into the air.

"Like what you see?" He snorts sarcastically before slipping past me and stepping further into the room. He must've noticed my hesitation.

"It's just like Taehyung's room." I reply, moving to his identical bed and flopping back wearily onto the soft, welcoming comforter. "It's so soft," I murmur, more to myself than the demon standing near the fireplace who is currently watching me intently.

"Don't get used to it. I'm sleeping there." Jungkook informs me, and I sit up in confusion.

"Then where do I sleep?" I inquire, eyeing his expression in a vain attempt at reading it. His face is emotionless and cold, just what I would expect from a demon.

"On one of these pieces of furniture," he gestures lazily to the love-seat and chair that are facing the roaring fireplace. "I really do not care as long as you stay away from my bed."

"What's your problem?" Once again, my lips work faster than my mind as I spit out the question harshly. He slowly turns to face me and I shiver when I see familiar anger sparking in his cold eyes. Why am I having such a hard time with my temper? I was never like this before!

"None of your business," he snaps. "I don't have to answer to you." I'm about to set fire to him with my glare, but it suddenly falters into puzzlement when I process his next sentence. "But you have to answer to me."

Excuse me?

"What are you talking about?" I demand, instinctively reaching blindly behind me to grab a pillow and squeeze in comfortingly to my chest. As much as I despise skinship, I will have the urge to hold onto something tightly whenever I'm feeling afraid, and it's usually whatever is closest in reach.

He eyes my actions with a strange expression before it hardens into a firm anger once more. "Didn't Satan tell you?" There's an unsettling glint in his eyes as he curves his uneven lips into a wicked grin. "You become a slave to whoever you're staying with, which means that you have to do whatever I tell you and you can't defy me."

His words bounce around inside the walls of my skull for a few moments before they finally spill into my brain. When they do, my mind whirls at what this would mean for me. He will get to order me around day and night, interrupting my sleep and any precious time that I have to myself. Even worse, he could randomly want to have sex... and I can't say no...

"Um, no," I shoot back. "I'm not about to become some kind of slave. I have rights."

"Not in Hell, you don't." Jungkook sneers. "You will do what I say when I say it or I will punish you."

For some reason, I feel as if his and my definitions of punishment are different as mine sends a visible shiver of anxiety skittering up and down my spine. Punish me?

"Punish me?" I voice my thoughts aloud, somewhat dreading his answer.

He stares blankly at me for a moment, seemingly puzzled by my confusion. After a moment, harsh realization crosses him and he shies away suddenly, disgust present in his smouldering eyes. "I'm not going to touch you," he snorts, narrowing his eyes. "I would never lay a hand on a half-blood as disgusting and rotten as you."

His words pummel into me like stinging slaps, each word gifting a new yet repetitive sense of emotional damage. As much as I despise him and hate the thought of his hands on me, it still hurts to hear the words leave someone's lips so genuinely. I glare back at him, doing my best to appear strong despite my self-esteem ripping apart at the seams. At least now he won't touch me.

"What?" He inquires roughly when I fail to respond. "Did you think I was going to actually touch you?" He scoffs.

"N-No," I manage to stammer out, suddenly feeling verbally harassed. I need a pillow. I reach for the pillow that I had previously held on to, seeking comfort from it, but his next words make my body freeze up.

"I would never touch you!" He declares without shame. "You're just as bad as the rest of the female demons! Manipulative and cold-hearted."

"At least I have a heart!" I know that it's a long shot, but I have to seize the chance. "What is with you hating women? I've never done anything to you, and here you are, verbally tearing me down and openly threatening to hurt me! I've known you for two days and you're already treating me like shit for absolutely no reason, just because you assume that I'm like the others when I'm not."

Jungkook draws back suddenly as if he'd been slapped, the emotion in his eyes suddenly changing to something indescribable and unreadable. His glowing crimson eyes darken as he glares heatedly at me, but I refuse to back down at this point. If I don't say anything now, then I might not be able to stop something that may happen in the future.

He speaks finally, his tone sharpened with the bitter edge of anger. "Sorry, half-blood, but you can't go against the rules of Hell. You're my servant whether you like it or not, and you will do whatever I want and will submit to me when I desire. And as for hating you, I already know how beings like you work, so I know how you will turn out. I hated you since the moment I saw you because I know that you will cause trouble and I will continue to hate you, and there is nothing that you can say or do to change that."

I stare up into his stony face, eyes trailing along his uneven lips pressed into a tight line of resolve, strong jaw clenched in anger, and his crimson eyes that bore into my gentler ones. He's made up his mind, and it's evident that I can't change his mindset. But that doesn't mean that I have to submit to a dirty demon like him. I still hold onto my dignity, even after having the weight of these new situations and revealed secrets piled atop my shoulders. I intend to keep it. But if I want to survive, then I will need to do what he asks when it comes to chores or simple requests. But I refuse to take part in any perverted games or requests that he may randomly conjure up in his mind.

"Okay, I'll do it. But I hope that you know that I hate you with all of my heart and I will never accept you for as long as I live."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now