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I remain alone in Taehyung's room, sitting on his massive bed with my legs crossed serenely as I lose myself in thought. A full day has passed, my restless mind and anxious nerves never ceasing to rest. Taehyung had left his room an hour ago with the excuse of having to do something important, commanding me to stay put until he came back for me. On any normal occasion, a gesture like that would offend me; but this isn't just any normal occasion.

Alright, now that I can think, let's sort through this. Okay, so I literally do not share any of the same DNA as the human being that I thought I was, I'm the child of a legit angel and devil, angels just killed my parents, I have this weird silver 'Seal' or whatever on my shoulder, I'm the first and only of my kind, and I've just been dragged to Hell against my will and I'm not allowed to leave. Makes perfect sense.

I sigh noisily and allow myself to fall back onto his bed, pulling one of his soft pillows across my face as I battle the urge to scream into it. All of this happened in a matter of two days and I'm not dreaming. It's completely real. And I'm going to die from stress. I shove the pillow away as the strong scent of pine that has been clinging to the fabric of the pillow invades my nose, clogging my senses with the sharp yet distinct smell.

And what's Jungkook's problem? I knew that demons were supposed to be evil but damn. Even Satan disagreed with his wishes and views. You know that you're in deep when the Ruler of Hell, the one whose domain is evil, is the one telling you that how you're viewing something is wrong. I need to keep my distance from him.

"Taehyung? Are you in there?"

A gruff male voice yanks me from my complicated thoughts and I bolt upright into a standing position. Before I can respond to the unanswered question, the hinges on the door squeak slightly as a demon, who can't be too much older than Taehyung, gingerly pushes open the door. His skin has a little more of a caramel tone than Taehyung but his eyes are the same vacant, soul-sucking pitch color as Satan's. His blond hair has been gelled back and it glistens slightly under the low light. If he has wings, they must be tucked away because there's no visible sign of them at the moment.

"Taehyung, are you- oh." His tone takes on an apparent disappointment when his empty, ebony eyes come to rest upon me. "Who are you?"

"My name is (Y/N)," I say, stepping backward until my calves collide with the mattress as he makes his way toward me slowly and deliberately.

"The half-blood?" He towers over me by at least half a foot as he moves even closer. The sharp scent of pine intrudes on my senses as he steps up until his chest is nearly touching mine. "You don't look like much."

"Well, neither does your dick but here we are." I growl bitingly, unamused by his flirtatious closeness and snippy comment.

"Feisty, are we?" The stranger smirks, the mere action setting my blood on fire. He moves his hand without breaking eye contact, brushing his fingertips along the exposed skin on my leg.

"Don't touch me."I snarl, roughly knocking his hand away and shoving his chest with both hands so he stumbles back a couple steps.

"Why not? You're staying with Taehyung, so it shouldn't be an issue. He always shares his belongings." A wicked glint is present in the demon's eyes.

"I'm not his property, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you touch me!" I yell, outraged at his sudden, disgusting antics. Who does he think he is?

He opens his mouth to continue, but a new yet familiar voice interrupts him.


I peer around the demon's sturdy frame, heart soaring with hope as I see Taehyung's confused face poke through the door that his "friend" had left slightly ajar.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now