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Jungkook's POV

I continue to stare at the ticking clock, my Adam's apple beginning to bob up and down as I swallow back the slight nervousness building in my systems. It's been forty-five minutes since the half-blood left to visit the prisoners. It shouldn't take this long for her to make her rounds.

Did she chicken out and hide? No, she wouldn't be that dumb. A sudden thought forces its way into my mind, freezing the blood in my veins. Did something happen to her? I was merely joking when I had told her that someone had visited the prisons to bring food to the prisoners and never returned, but now I felt a creeping suspicion that my joke was about to become a reality. I need to find her.

No, wait. Keep in mind what you said before. She's expendable and only a slave, and it would actually matter if something happened to you. She's probably just running late and will be here soon.

But... what if something really is wrong?

With a determined growl, I abandon my seat at the table and head straight for the door, whipping it open and vanishing down the long corridor.

As much as I despise her, I can't let anything happen to her. She's still a slave, which means that she has at least some worth to her. And on top of that, she's mine.

I jog hastily down the winding, pitch-colored, sleek staircase that spirals all the way down to the prison that sits beneath the vast palace. I skid clumsily to a halt outside the sealed doors and, much to my surprise, an array of muffled shouts and catcalls drift from the minuscule cracks in the metal doors.

Is she alright?

I'm about to open the doors when a desperate female screech rises above the clamor, terrified and panicked.



I leap into action at the sound of my name, heart pounding wildly as I impatiently force open the heavy doors with the sheer force of worry and panic. As soon as I stumble into the room, my breath stills in my throat at the scene unfolding before me.

The half-blood is pinned to the frigid metal bars of one of the cells by one of the outstretched hands while an identical one roams her body shamelessly, completely ignoring her desperate cries and wild struggles that are drowned out by other wolf whistles and obsessive hollering. Tears stain her cheeks as a hand from a neighboring cell forces its way through the bars and gradually moves to smack the globe of her round butt, earning a defiant cry from my slave.

I can only stand there in shock as I watch her be violated before my eyes, a new feeling that I can only describe as protectiveness flooding my systems. I'm unsure why, but the sight and thought of someone else's hands on her body sends my blood to a boiling point.

There is no way in hell that I'm letting them touch her.

My mind grows fuzzy with one emotion, overriding my systems and blocking out any other conflicting feelings.

I'm angry as hell.

~End POV~


Your POV

Angry tears leak from my eyes, staining my reddened cheeks with burning streaks. The hands continue to grope harshly at my helpless form, a few grunts ringing out as more hands swipe at me.

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