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"Half-blood? Are you awake? Hello?"

The unfamiliar gentleness of Jungkook's voice coaxes me from my dream and I groan in denial of being awoken. My eyes flutter open, instantly berated with a barrage of the bright fluorescent lighting leaking from the solid ceiling that somehow managed to mimic the sun's rays. I give my eyes a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness, still slightly irritated about the intrusion of his voice into my dream.

"Half-blood?" The voice speaks again, this time punctuated with the sound of footsteps padding across the carpet towards the love-seat that I'd been sleeping on.

I growl reflexively at the name he identifies me by. I'm not just a half-blood. I turn my head and bury my face into the soft black pillow, ignoring the heavy feeling of someone's presence leaning over the back of the couch.

"I know that you're awake." Comes Jungkook's exasperated remark, accentuated by the barely audible creaking of the mahogany wood as he leans his weight on it to undoubtedly peer down at me.

Something soft and fluffy collides with my shoulder rather firmly, the wind of the attack causing strands of my hair to float up and even more out of place. That's it. I bolt upright into a sitting position with a hiss, the pillow that he had whacked me with tumbling onto the floor due to my sudden movements.

I turn my head to glare heatedly at the demon who's currently standing behind the love-seat, his large hands loosely gripping the back while he shoots my disheveled form one of his wicked scowl and a withering glare. His jet-black hair is tousled from a night of sleep, his eyes still clouded with weariness from what appears to be lack of sleep even though sleep whisked him away before me.

"You better have a damn good reason for waking me up." I growl, self-consciously raking my fingers through my hair so that it falls into place.

Jungkook snorts at my response and retreats back to his bed, sitting down among the messily-twisted sheets and scattered pillows. I stare in shock at the prospect of one being creating such a whirlwind of a mess after one night of sleep.

"I'm hungry." He says flatly.

I almost choke on my saliva. He interrupted my dream for something that he could do himself? What the hell! Who does he think he is, interrupting my sleep for that? I can live with someone interrupting my alone time, but no one interrupts my sleep. His inconsiderateness sends an onslaught of gunfire peppering the walls of self-control that I had constructed to guard my heart, drilling into the tough stone and threatening to pierce through.

"Okay, then go down to the dining hall." I growl through gritted teeth, struggling to restrain myself from lunging at him and going straight for his jugular.

"No." He shrugs carelessly, either not caring or oblivious to the internal war raging inside me.

"No?" I say, incredulously. "You have legs- hell, you have wings! You can get it yourself."

"Yeah, but you're my servant." Jungkook reminds me. "You have to do exactly as I say and you can't say no."


It had completely slipped my mind that I had involuntarily agreed to be this demented demon's servant. Congratulations, pabo. Now you need to figure out what the hell is wrong with you. You basically just signed away any rights that you had!

With a suppressed growl, I drag myself from the warmth of the couch, hating how his smug eyes trailed after me triumphantly. Smug-ass black licorice. He stays silent as I furiously yank a random outfit from the depths of my wardrobe before stomping childishly into the bathroom and locking the door in my wake.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now