Author's Note: To Whom It May Concern...

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Hey, guys! So, I just wanted to let you all know that I have decided on a smut scenario and the spin-off chapter is in the works at the moment! I hope you all enjoy it because I have swapped sleep for extra time to come up with a short storyline, and I'll try to get it to you all ASAP; but, like I said, it might take some time due to the fact that finals is the worst time of the year and my teachers despise the students' very existence.

But I swear, I'm working on it.

There's also another matter that I would like to discuss.

Lately, I have been receiving a lot of hate for this book and a few silent readers (BUT NOT ALL SILENT READERS, I LOVE YOU UNLESS YOU'VE WRONGED ME) have been discouraging me and attempting to get me to delete the entire story. I'm sorry, but telling me that my story sucks and I'm not original and my story is so transparent and pointless that you can see right to the ending is not kind, I swear that I will not hesitate to report you. Now, I was initially not going to make this public and deal with it calmly and privately, but I have reached my limit. I will not give names, but I want all of my haters and online tyrants to know that this is your last chance to hop the fuck off my case and leave me the hell alone before I make your account (and possibly you) disappear😤

*sighs* Alright, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I want to apologize lmao. I'm sorry that the chapter is taking a while, but I'm trying. And all of the people who have been so kindly encouraging me, I want you all to know that I love you and I love reading your comments and you all absolutely make my day. Man, I really have the best readers ever.

Love you all, byeee~~ (I'm sorry for my explosion, but it needed to be said)

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