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Your POV

"W-What? Really?"

My jaw unhinges in pure shock, the gears in my brain operating on overdrive as I attempt to process Spirit's words and locate a trace of wicked humor in the creature's eyes. But the gaze that has been settled on mine swims with a genuine kindness, although the crimson eyes are outlined with faint traces of regret. My stomach twists as my body locks up, disbelief freezing my bones into a stunned stillness.

"Is this a joke?" I question warily. "Because if it is--"

"Hush," Spirit snaps, cutting off my words. "There are two reasons that I am allowing you to return, and two reasons only." The kindness present in the entrancing eyes shifts into a firm resolve. "First of all, you did what has been conceived to be impossible and unimaginable. You managed to work past the icy front of a demon, Satan's son, no less. You single-handedly rendered the frigid cruelness that dominated his heart useless, and even more... you made him feel something that no demon has ever experienced before."

I gulp. "What is that?"


My mouth opens and closes, but my throat has suddenly become so barren and rough that my voice only continues to fail at exiting my lips. Tears blur my eyes as the cold truth tumbles onto my shoulders like falling rocks, and I nearly stumble beneath the emotional weight of it all. Guilt widens in my stomach, a yawning chasm that threatens to consume my entire body. I surrendered my life, but at a severe and horrible cost that only affected him. I awoke the emotions of love that he's never experienced before, and then I left him. I left him alone.

What have I done? I thought I would be helping him... but I really just made things worse for him... Jungkook, I am so sorry.

"What did you realize, young one?" Spirit prods gently in recognition, the hood dipping down slightly so that the ruby-hued orbs lock firmly with mine. "I can see the change in your eyes."

My throat knots up with burning anger towards myself. "I need to go back to Jungkook. He can't do this on his own."

"He needs his angel." I can hear the smile present in Spirit's voice, but that alone is nearly enough to cause me to break down in bitter sobs. But I can't shatter; not when Jungkook needs me most. "You know," Spirit speaks again, "the only other reason that I chose to send you back is because you gave up your own life for your loved one. You presented a demon whose mind was once ruled by shallow pleasure and ice with a second chance at life, so now I wish to return the favor."

"When will I be able to see him again?" I pester anxiously.

Spirit chuckles. "You must have patience. I will send you back tomorrow, and the reason that I am waiting is because one day amid the Between is one year in Heaven and Hell."

"One year?" A desperate wail rips free from my throat. "Why do I have to wait? Jungkook will forget me by then!"

To my surprise, Spirit's hood shakes slightly from side to side. "I doubt that he will forget the one woman who could make him love."

"But... now that he knows what it feels like... won't he experience it for someone else?" I dread the answer, but I need to know.

What I assume to be the shoulders of the being shrug almost carelessly. "Perhaps. But I don't have to send you back at all, if you're too afraid to see what effect a year's wait has on Jungkook."

"N-No! I want to go back!" I object hastily, waving my hands dramatically in the air. "I'll wait."

Spirit nods. "So be it."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now