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I sit wearily on Jungkook's bed, disregarding his order to keep my distance from it while glaring icily at the door as I dread his return. I can't fathom how a being, demon or not, can be so heartless and unsympathetic to one after they suffered a tragic loss.

I suppose that demons are naturally creatures of evil and darkness, but still. Even Satan seemed less evil than Jungkook, and that's huge. Does he just enjoy hurting me? Is that it? I sigh, extremely dissatisfied with my new roommate and his cruel antics. Is he afraid of something? Is that why he's hurting me? Or is he just awful?

A soft knock on the closed bedroom door makes me snap to attention, yanking me from my perplexing thoughts.


I stiffen even more when a lilting female voice drifts through the tough wood, higher-pitched and dripping with faux honey. "Are you in here?" The voice comes again. A split second later, the owner of the voice pushes open the door without waiting for an answer. "Oh!" She yelps in sheer surprise, her eyes resting upon me sitting perched on his bed watching her movements carefully. "I didn't realize that a girl would be in here!"

I don't answer immediately, quickly sweeping her from head to toe as I size her up. She appears to be about the same height, maybe a few inches taller with a visibly-muscular frame and wide-set lighter brown eyes that compliment her pearly-white skin. Her stick-straight, platinum-blonde hair reaches down to her shoulders, curled slightly at the ends. Her lips are thin and visibly pale, her demeanor suddenly shy as she notices my failure to verbally acknowledge her.

Her demeanor isn't what's bothering me at all, for she seems like a nice girl despite her heritage. What's bothering me is that she knows exactly where Jungkook's room is and they're obviously close enough for her to be able to freely barge into his room without fear. Wait, why do I care?

"Who are you?" I force my voice to soften, not wanting to scare her away so soon, especially when she suddenly takes on the look of a scared rabbit that's about to turn tail and sprint away.

"Yura," she gives me a shy smile and I give her half of one in return. "I'm so sorry to intrude, I thought he would be in here. I'm Jungkook's older half-sister, even though I clearly don't look like it."

The strange sensation of inexplicable relief swamps me, closely trailed with confusion at the prior emotion. Seriously, what is going on with me? I shouldn't and don't care about him.

"What's your name?" She inquires in the same sweet, quiet voice.

"(Y/N)," I respond in a much kinder voice, now conscious of her relationship with the demented devil-child.

Her eyes visibly widen and I blink in surprise as she abandons her shy appearance and quickly bounces up to me to take a seat beside me on the bed. I stiffen at her closeness and scoot away slightly, still wary of someone other than my parents' closeness. Yura doesn't seem to notice, however, slapping a huge smile across her lips and her eyes glittering with interest.

"Oh, so you're the half-blood that I've been hearing about!" She exclaims in awe. "I've been hearing from demons all around the kingdom that the only living half-blood had been captured, but I never thought that it could actually happen with all of those lazy guards." She rolls her eyes playfully at her last sentence before continuing with an eager question. "Have you discovered your wings?"

"No, not yet." I lift a hand to rub at the back of my neck self-consciously. "My parents said that it takes a great amount of concentration and practice. I haven't exactly had that many opportunities to practice lately. It's only been two days, anyway."

"Oh, it does take a lot." She nods. "But you'll get it!" Yura's face suddenly turns crestfallen and she averts her gaze to pick busily at Jungkook's comforter. "I hurt my wings in a border scuffle, so I'm not allowed to unfurl them for another week until they finish healing."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now