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"Becoming one of you?" I blanch in shock and confusion, backing away until my lower back collides with the sharp edge of the marble counter. "What does that mean?"

"Honey, come here." Mother just sighs, reaching for me. I flinch as her iron-grip closes around my wrist, but allow her to guide me to the kitchen table where we both drop heavily into seats.

"(Y/N)," she begins slowly, moving her hands from my wrist to clasp both of my hands in her shockingly icy ones. It's been so long since she's shown physical affection towards me that I've forgotten the touch of my own mother. "You have to believe what I'm about to say."

Something isn't right.

I remove my hands from hers and busy my fingers with picking absently at the lace tablecloth. If she feels the need to tell me to believe her, then whatever she's about to tell me is going to most likely be utterly ridiculous. Nevertheless, I force a nod.

"Your father and I are not..." she pauses, averting her eyes to sweep the kitchen as if she were stalling, "human. And neither are you."

My breath stills in my throat and I feel my body lock up despite my will to move my limbs. To do something. Anything. No, this can't be real. This has to be some kind of joke. I feel time slow around me as my brain strains to process her absurd confession.

"I don't believe you." My voice comes out strangled and trembling. How can I? Something like this is unreal. Unbelievable.

"I didn't think you would, but you have to believe me!" My mother beseeches, reaching out for me once more. I scoot my chair back instantly, the metal legs screeching on the hard wood floor as I seek escape from her.

"Then what are we?" My voice drops to a whisper. I will my legs to move, to carry me far away from this house and this nonsense and this secret that's jostling my mind, but they remain glued to the chair. What are we? What am I? What else could we be other than human?

"You have to believe me when I tell you this." My mother says, I muster enough control of my frazzled nerves to manage to nod my head. "Your father is an angel from Zeus. And I... am a demon of Satan."

Instantly, my world begins to tilt before me as the new information hammers its way past my skull and leaks into my mind. Angels... demons... Zeus... Satan... my parents...? My mind goes into overdrive, attempting to sort through the absurd information and make sense of it all.

"(Y/N)?" I hear my mother's worried voice, but it seems so distant.

Black dots swim across my fuzzy vision and I suddenly feel extremely light-headed.

"Demon..." my voice trails off before I can continue, but I struggle unsuccessfully against the void that's nipping at my consciousness and threatening to drag me in.

Then, the darkness swallows me up and consumes me, dragging me down into a pitch-black void of unconsciousness.


When I begin to slowly regain consciousness, I become painfully aware of a stabbing white light piercing my eyelids and muffled, worried voices nearby. I shift slightly and give a small groan, my limbs weighed down with sudden fatigue and my head throbbing painfully. The longer I lie there, the clearer that the voices become.

"What did you tell her, Mirae?" My father's voice demands worriedly. I can hear the relentless thudding of his footsteps as he paces nervously nearby.

"I told her of our heritage, but I did not tell her what that means for her, Baekhyun." My mother replies, her tone slightly less nervous than my father's.

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