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This can't be right...

Frustrated and disbelieving tears spring to my wide eyes as I stare, shocked, at the moving image before me.

It shows Jungkook pinning another woman who appears to be roughly his age against his locked bedroom door, one of his large hands gripping both of her wrists that he's holding firmly over her head. Both are completely undressed and their lips are locked together, flashes of tongue visible to my shocked eyes as they both war for dominance over the other. Nausea twists my stomach as I notice two more female demons lying sprawled on his bed, completely exposed without a single stitch of clothing clinging to their bodies. Their heaving chests and flushed faces confirm my greatest fear, and I avert my watering eyes from the scene to stare at the cloaked creature that is hovering silently beside me.

"T-This can't be right!" I choke out, violently shaking my head in vain denial despite the evidence that is clear before me. "That can't be him! Jungkook wouldn't do this! He's changed!" But the desperation edging my voice makes it obvious that I'm struggling to convince myself rather than the being.

"Look back at the image." The being orders me, all signs of sympathy dissipating from its voice.

"No!" Tears sting my eyes.

"Look!" A sudden roar of impatience emits from the floating being, threatening to rock the ground beneath my unsteady legs.

Bottom lip quivering slightly, I force myself to turn my eyes back to the ever-shifting picture. The scene has changed now, showing Jungkook lying sprawled on his carpeted floor, his body limp as he stares absently up at the ceiling. His hair is messily tousled and his skin has gone a deathly and unnaturally pale, porcelain-white against his stark ebony locks. His crimson eyes that were once gleaming with affection and genuine kindness are now vacant and sharpened with a frigid cruelty, darting aimlessly. His body seems to have shrunk, his muscles having deteriorated as his tight shirt showcases his prominent ribcage, indicating that he hasn't been eating. His cheeks are hollow and gaunt, his body absolutely drained of the lively ball of energy that had once consumed him.

"Kookie," I whisper brokenly. A single pearl drop escapes my eye, trickling down my cheek as I glance up at the spirit. "What is this? What's happening to my baby boy?" Never have I used the term 'baby boy' before, but it rolls so effortlessly off my trembling lips.


I unwillingly turn my head to glimpse at the next scenario that's being presented. This time, it shows what I assume to be the present. My lifeless body is lying limply on Jungkook's bed, just like how I had left it initially. Jungkook is pressing his forehead to my clothed stomach that no longer rises and falls, tears glinting beneath the sharp light as violent sobs wrack his body. Much to my surprise, Yura, Taehyung, and Yoongi all accompany him, their grief-stricken faces gazing down at my abandoned body with tearful eyes. I see Taehyung's lips move for a brief amount of time as he glances at each of them in turn before all four of them promptly collapse into sobs.

He did what I asked... He told them what I wanted them to remember...

Almost instantly, sorrow swamps me as their grieving expressions etch themselves into my mind. "W-Why are you..." I sniffle faintly. "Why are you showing me this?"

"I'm showing you the future that your sacrifice leads to." The being explains bluntly. "Keep in mind that these are merely images of what could happen, not what will happen. If things keep on this path, the Jungkook will revert to his old ways shortly after your death, carelessly using other women for pleasure and then leaving them heartbroken the next day, hoping that it would numb the pain of losing the one he loved most."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now