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Two weeks have passed fairly smoothly without much clashing between Jungkook and I, except over whose turn it was to retrieve the daily-prepared food from the dining hall and whose turn it was to do the laundry. For the majority of the time, Jungkook has been relaxed and warm towards me, refraining from treating me like a lesser being. However, since the start of last week, he's been holding me at an almost icy distance and has been avoiding me without providing an explanation or any type of reasoning.

I lie sprawled on Jungkook's unmade bed, my legs tangled in the messy covers while the heat from where he had previously been lying soaks through the thin fabric of my oversized, royal blue shirt that's splattered with an intricate white design on the back and my ebony athletic shorts that cling to me like a second skin.

Having woken up early, I had access to the shower first and did the entire works: shaving, face wash and mask, thorough hair washing, using my favorite marshmallow-scented body wash, and then topping it off with an identical-smelling lotion. I had applied subtle makeup, concealing a few small pimples and creating a sharp cat-eye with charcoal-colored eyeliner that gave my appearance a twist while topping it off with a coat of mascara. I had arranged my long, jet black hair so it's piled atop my head in a messy bun, not really caring too much about my hair at this point.

I shift my head to the locked bathroom door, the muffled sound of water droplets pounding into the shower floor resounding like rain behind the door. When I had exited the bathroom fully-clothed, Jungkook had been waiting outside, carelessly brushing past me and ignoring my warm greeting. What is wrong with him? Did I do something? I move my head to stare up at the brightly-lit ceiling, the pure white light doing little to nothing to affect my vision, and lose myself in my perplexed thoughts.

What made him this way? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? Was he just pretending to be kind to gain my trust and now he's reverting back to his old ways? Is he bored of having me around? Did he talk to Yura or something? No, he couldn't have. She would've told me when we met up yesterday. So what's going on with him? We left out last conversation on a high note, so what could be the issue?

I sigh heavily and grab one of his pillows that he must've carelessly tossed aside in the midst of the night, hugging the soft object to my chest. His scent is still present on the ink-colored pillow, the smell of pine invading my senses and swirling in my mind. My stomach twists as it wafts through the cracks in the protective walls of my heart, encompassing it and causing a small tingling sensation that I can feel all over my body.

Jungkook... I can't stand it when you're upset with me, so why can't you tell me what I did?

I exhale sharply through my nose in a vain attempt to dispel the scent before groaning in defeat as it only embraces my heart once more. Why is my life like this? Better yet, why am I like this? My emotions are a shattered mess. It's like he's reeling me in by being kind and then cruelly shoving me away like a kid would a toy whose worth has been forgotten.

Why, Jungkook?

I jolt upright as the bathroom door suddenly swings open. Jungkook slinks into the room without even sparing me a glance, humid steam spilling into the bedroom in his wake. My body stiffens as I realize that his toned chest is bare, the firm muscle on display while his lower half is obscured by a pristine towel. I watch in mesmerization as a single pearl drop abandons his damp hair that's been messily styled into perfect strands of ebony silk and escapes the snow-white towel that's been hung around his well-muscles shoulders. It trickles down his porcelain, honey-toned skin as it trails down his bared chest and traces the outline of his six-pack that I had no idea existed before dipping down to soak into the towel wrapped around his waist. His cheeks are flushed from the steam and his crimson eyes glow with something unreadable as he refrains from making eye contact with me.

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