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Angry tears stream from my eyes as they skim the battlefield that's marred with fallen angels in soiled white, sorrow intertwining as I glimpse a few unidentified bodies clad in ebony that lie at rest among the white and gold. Sadness tips my nose with a vibrant shade of crimson as I numbly stumble through the bodies, searching restlessly until my gaze falls upon Jungkook's body with Jimin's lying only a few feet away.

Jungkook is still sprawled in the same position, his glassy eyes still staring sightlessly as the tacky, ink-hued blood coats his armor and smears his lips. Two heavily breathing demons tower over their leader's fallen body, faint sniffles carrying on the wind as they gaze down sorrowfully at the sparkling arrow protruding from his chest.

I numbly shoulder through the soldiers who only manage mumbled protests as I kneel beside their leader's body. Tears blurring my vision, my hands fumble along his gleaming armor until they drift up to his face. I cup his face in my hands as if he were composed of delicate glass, shivering as my fingertips kiss ice-cold skin that's already beginning to pale into a bloodless grey.

"Jungkook, please..." I whisper brokenly, brushing a feather-soft touch against his bloodied cheeks. Translucent opals drip from my jaw, spattering his lifeless face. "Don't do this, please wake up."

Regardless of my agonized pleas, he does not stir.

"Jungkook! Please!" My voice rises an octave as I feel my strength begin to slip from my grasp, wracked with pointless panic as I vainly attempt to wake Jungkook from his prison of death. A sob consumes me as I gingerly lower my forehead to press lightly against his cheek, bitter grief swallowing my entire body. "Please... Please wake up... Wake up and tell me that everything's okay... Wake up and hold me close, just like you always wanted... Wake up and show me the love that you were too afraid to show! Don't leave me! Don't do this!" I cry out.


A heavy hand falls onto my shoulder, but I shrug it away in my sorrowful delirium.

"(Y/N), you need to let go of Jungkook." The gruff voice cracks with pain, but I don't heed their words.

How can I let go of the one who died for me? How can I let go of the one I love?

"N-No," I shake my head in refusal, but a pair of hands tentatively grasp my shoulders and pull me away from the deceased man while I struggle weakly, my energy having been sapped.

I reach desperately for Jungkook as the strong hands drag me about four feet from his bloodied body, but my hands only meet heavy air. I watch numbly as two of the demons stoop down and lift Jungkook, each bearing half of his weight as they begin to carry him from the battlefield. Other demons grasp the wrists and ankles of angels, hauling them roughly in their wake as they drag them to the dungeons.

"(Y/N)?" The owner of the hands gently turns me around and I'm surprised to stare directly into the agonized eyes of Taehyung, whose voice I had not recognized due to the weight of the pain and sorrow swirling in it. He sports a bloody lip and a shallow gash on his temple that streaks jade-colored blood down the side of his head, his empty scabbard clanking noisily on his blood-tainted armor as he kneels beside me.

I do not hesitate to throw myself into his arms, my self-control finally crumbling as pent-up sobs violently wrack my body. Taehyung embraces me tightly, his own tears soaking into the fabric of my shirt as we both sob on our knees in the middle of a bloody warzone.

"Tae, tell me that this isn't real," I plead with the crying young man as he buries his head into my shoulder. "Tell me that this is all a dream! Tell me that Jungkook is really alive..."

He gives a small shake of his head. "Oh, how I wish it was... but Jungkook really is," his voice hitches, "gone."

The confirmation of my worst fears is enough to set off another wave of tears, but this time they are silent as they streak my face. I gaze down at where Jungkook had been lying, a puddle of blood soaking into the dirt while his sword lies, discarded, nearby.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now