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Your POV

I trail after the adviser wordlessly, afraid that if I open my mouth, all of the pent-up misery composed by Jungkook's words and denial will pour out. Silent tears stain my cheeks, a few stragglers still blurring my vision as I lurch unsteadily after the adviser as he disappears around a dark corner. I am able to comprehend why Jungkook is locking away his true feelings and icing over his heart, mostly because I would undoubtedly do the same thing if I had undergone what he had. But what I don't understand is why he couldn't trust me that nothing will happen to me, especially when he's aware that I cannot be killed by any type of weapon

A yearning tugs and nags at my heart as I get further and further away from Jungkook, and I promptly find myself wishing that I could be embraced in his arms and scent once more. At least one more time would help numb the pain. But I can't worry about that now.

The angels are here for me.

"Where are you taking me?" I finally muster up the courage to address the taller demon who has refrained from speaking to me the entire trek around the palace.

"Satan wants to meet with you before the war starts. He says that it's urgent." The adviser replies, his silvery voice bearing a kinder note that I hadn't been anticipating. He keeps his head low as he darts around the corner, shadow swathing his face and keeping me from catching a good glimpse of his facial features as I scrabble to keep up with his unearthly speed.

"What's your name?" I inquire.

"Jin, Satan's second best adviser. And you are..?" He slows his pace and allows me to catch up.

"(Y/N)," I reply softly, my voice barely audible over the squeaking of our shoes on the cold, stony floor. I'm quiet for a moment before I speak again. "Will Jungkook really have to go into battle?"

"I'm sorry, but yes. It's crucial that we place him in command of the troops, because he's usually the one that maps out the whole attack plan." Jin explains. I shiver, but then he sighs sharply and continues. "But if you do your job correctly, there will be no need for a battle."

"What job?" His words alone cause my heart to plummet and my stomach to twist in relentless nervousness.

He merely gives a tiny shake of his head in response before halting abruptly at a large set of obsidian doors that I have now identified as the doors to Satan's chamber. I squeak and skid clumsily to a halt, just shy of smacking into one of his broad shoulders. I scowl in irritation but he doesn't seem to notice nor care as he roughly shoves open the doors and vanishes inside, me following close behind on slightly trembling legs.

Satan is seated upon his throne composed entirely of sickening skulls balanced upon one another, his captivating scepter resting across his lap as he stares vacantly into the distance. The loud clang of the doors sighing shut behind my back is what yanks him from his trancelike state and he jerks his head towards the two beings standing before his throne, slight worry slinking beyond the depths of his empty, ebony eyes. He turns his frightening gaze to me as his fingers tap restlessly atop the cracked bones of one of the skulls that adorn his cruel throne, but I do not feel fear.

"(Y/N)," he murmurs absently. I shift my weight from foot to foot, self-conscious beneath the smothering atmosphere, before he finally speaks again. "Jin, locate Hoseok and have him help you distribute the weapons to the troops."

Jin nods solemnly before spinning on his heel and quickly exiting the room.

The heavy atmosphere collapses upon my shoulders once more as the hinges resound with a high-pitched groan before an identical bang echoes throughout the room. I avert my eyes from Satan, but I can feel his thoughtful gaze boring holes into my skull despite the uncomfortable silence that's engulfing the room.

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