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A horrified scream rips up my throat.

Time slows down before my eyes, but my heart rate only increases as Jungkook's eyes stretch wider and wider as he witnesses the arrows speeding towards his exposed face.

I'm not exactly sure how I forced my body to function so swiftly or when the point occurred where I happened to unfurl my wings; but the next thing I know, I'm yanking a frozen Jungkook behind the cover of my feathered wings as I turn my back to the arrows that are whistling through the air towards my slightly trembling wings.

My fingernails dig into Jungkook's arms as I brace myself for the pain, but nothing happens. The arrows merely bounce off my wings and clatter to the ground as if they were nothing but cotton balls. Heart racing, I blink up at Jungkook for some kind of consolation, but he's only standing there staring disbelievingly at me as I face the brunt of the attack without suffering any injuries.

"Your wings... they're..." He breathes.

"Not the time, Kookie." I finish his faltered thought before whirling around with a new fire blazing within the depths of my eyes.

Jimin, as well as the rest of the angels and demons, stare at me in pure shock as I stretch my wings to their full extent so that the sun showcases their gleaming silver hue and the white sheen that swathes the feathers. I square my shoulders and my eyes alight with a fierce flame whose heat trickles throughout my body, fury consuming me until it's all that I'm aware of. The angel archers lower their bows slowly, a sudden fear flashing through their gaze as they glimpse their trusted arrows lying uselessly upon the dirt.

I purposely step onto one of the arrows, and I mask my genuine surprise with an expression of pure outrage when the firm, white material promptly shatters beneath my feet. The angels' eyes widen even more, and Jimin's jaw hangs down in disbelief at the young woman who has single-handedly rendered his archers' arrows to be useless.

"I thought I dealt with you already." I snarl, brief memories of my parents' death flashing through my mind and filling me to the brim with a sharper and more dangerous fire that could burn anyone through my skin. "I thought you learned your lesson, Jimin."

He masks his look of nervousness with a smug grin as he smirks down at me, crossing his shaky arms over his chest with faux confidence. "And I thought that you were afraid of death, but here you are."

A sudden, calm smile crosses my lips as I realize his mistake.

He has no idea.

The smirk plummets from his lips. "Why are you smiling?"

I chuckle and risk a tentative step closer to him, my grin only spreading into a genuine one of amusement. "I walk into battle with a smile on my face while yours is twisted in fear and grimness for one reason, Jimin, and one reason only. There's really only one difference between us, when you think about it."

"What are you talking about?" He visibly stiffens, and I feel Jungkook's presence fading as he slowly slips away to join the ranks of his army.

My smile turns into a wicked smirk. "You fear war because you know it brings death, but I smile when venturing into war because I am friends with death himself."

"Then where is he to help you?" Jimin challenges, his hand slowly sliding down to grip the hilt of his white sword that's peeking from the confines of his white robe.

I scoff and flutter my wings once. "I don't need the element of death to help me, because I can send you to him myself if need be."

"With what?" Jimin notices that I bear no armor nor any type of weapon and a lofty smirk contorts his soft features. "You wear no armor and you've walked into battle without so much as a slingshot to defend yourself with! Let me ask you something." In one fluid movement, he unsheathes his sword and grips it warningly in his right hand while I chuckle in amusement. The blade gleams beneath the dying light, matching the irritation glowing in his lighter brown eyes. "Did you think that we wouldn't come for you?"

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now