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"Mom, I need to talk to you, now." I say roughly, bounding into the kitchen after changing my outfit. My eyes are alight with anger as I grab her wrist, making the same wooden spoon slip from her grasp once more and land on the counter, splattering her with cookie dough.

"(Y/N)!" She gasps, pulling away from me but keeping her eyes trained on mine. "What is wrong with you?"

"You've been lying to me for years and I want to know why!" I shout suddenly, backing up to put some distance between us now that I have her attention.

I see her body visibly lock up. "Lying? What are you talking about?"

"About the tattoos! They aren't tattoos at all, and I want to know why you can't tell me anything!" I demand. This time, I'm not backing down.

"Yes, they are." She says calmly, only further angering me.

"Then why do I have one?" I yell.

A smothering silence falls over the kitchen as my mother's eyes suddenly widen and her jaw falls slack. I stand there expectantly, waiting for her to respond. Caught you.

Finally, she snaps out of her trance after a solid thirty seconds. "What do you mean you have one?" Her tone suddenly dips into a growl, her dark eyes flashing. "Come here." She grips my wrist and, before I can protest, yanks me towards her and spins me around so that my back is to her.

I yelp as she roughly yanks down the collar of my shirt, undoubtedly scrutinizing the back of my shoulder. After a moment, she inhales sharply and replaces my shirt with trembling hands.

"How long have you had this?" She demands, and I turn to face her, promptly blanching in shock when I see genuine terror in the eyes of my once-fearless mother.

"I've had it since I turned sixteen." I explain, perplexity replacing my anger. "Why? What is it?"

Instead of answering, she dives for her phone that's lying on the counter and scrolls through her contacts before stopping on one and shakily lifting the phone to her ear.

"Baekhyun?" She stammers into the phone after the click sounds, meaning that someone has picked up the other end. "It's happening."

"What's happening?" Now, I'm beginning to get worried. I've never seen this type of behavior demonstrated in my mother before, which means that whatever is happening isn't exactly good.

She listens for a few moments, nodding to herself, before disconnecting the call and whirling to look at me.

"Let me see it again." She orders.

"Why?" I take a step back, suddenly wary. "Not until you tell me what's happening."

"I won't know unless you show me!" She hisses. I oblige reluctantly, pulling down the collar of my shirt and enabling her to get another look at the symbol.

"You're changing." She murmurs.

"Changing how?" My voice rises an octave, fear suddenly swamping me. What's happening? How am I changing?

"You're becoming one of us."



The Ruler of the Hell glances up from examining his crimson-and-ebony scepter that's dotted with precious jewels, eyes narrowing as the heavy doors to his chamber creak open and one of his advisers pokes his head nervously inside.

"Present yourself." Satan rumbles in a deep growl, clearly annoyed with the intrusion.

His adviser enters the room slowly, his pointed red tail swishing apprehensively as he nears Satan. "Sir, my demons claim to have picked up a trace of the half-blood. It's faint but it's present."

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now