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Your POV

I stare motionlessly at the young man standing before me, tears of joy blurring his form as the wheels in my brain strain to process the reality of the situation. My heart hammers against the confines of my ribcage, a relieved smile curving the edges of my lips. Jungkook's eyes are widened in sheer disbelief, his body trembling as he locks eyes with the one whom he had lost a year prior. I fold my wings away, silent due to the knot that's residing in my throat as a single tear trickles down my cheek.


I'm here...

"(Y/N)?" Jungkook takes one tentative step forward, voice cracking uncertainly. "Is... Is this real? Is this just some cruel game that my mind is playing on me? Or is it truly you?"

I force my head into a nod, teeth clamping down on my bottom lip to refrain from crying.

There's space between us, but then there isn't. A sob escapes Jungkook's lips as he stumbles forward, closing the gap between us as he hastily yanks me against his chest and wraps his arms tightly around my smaller body. I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck, trembling with tearful elation as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. I inhale his familiar scent, the sharp pine encompassing me as his tears fall onto the exposed skin of my neck.

"(Y/N)..." His voice leaves his lips a trembling whimper as he continues to wet my shirt with his tears, holding me flush against his chest. "My angel."

I clasp him tighter amid the darkness that's gradually fading back into his well-remembered room, my tears finally flowing freely. "Jungkook, I missed you so much."

He pulls his head back to gaze down at my tear-streaked face, his own a blush-red from crying and raw eyes dancing with joy. I giggle as he peppers gentle kisses all over my face, each one a concoction of relief and pure love as he presses a final kiss softly against my forehead. This is no longer the cold-hearted demon that I had first met. This is the true Jungkook that he had tried so hard to conceal and lock away beneath layers of faux hatred.

"H-How are you here?" He chokes out.

"I was given a second chance, just like how I gave you one." My words are shattered and muffled as I press my face against his chest. It rises and falls irregularly, wracked with shaky breaths as he buries his face into my hair. "I was sent back because you needed me and I needed you."

"I... I can't believe that you've really come back!" Jungkook speaks through my hair. "I don't know what I would do with myself if you hadn't come back... But why did you wait a year to come back to me?" His voice trembles slightly.

"I had to, if I wanted to come back, that is." I explain. "I was told to wait a year to see if you would end up feeling the same for another woman."

"I could never... You're the only one that I love, angel." He lowers his head, his warm whisper ghosting over the shell of my ear and sending a shiver skittering down my spine. "I would never love another woman, because you're the only one who has ever given me a second chance."


"Hm?" He hums in response, the sound reverberating deep in his throat.

I hesitate for a moment, recalling the prior rejection that I had received the last time that dared to confess. I mean... he already admitted that he loves me... so it shouldn't be an issue, right?

"Is there something wrong?" Anxiety laces Jungkook's inquiry despite him being wrapped around me like a blanket. "Am I hurting you?" He loosens his hold around me, eyes round in the ever-fading darkness.

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