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Slowly but steadily, consciousness pours back into my body, gifting me with a splitting headache and some sort of rough fabric concealing my eyes to leave me in a surprisingly similar pitch black darkness. I feel gentle swaying motion around me, as if I'm being carried. Something warm and muscular is pressing against my body, and I'm suddenly aware of someone's arms locked around the underside of my knees and my waist. With a start, I realize that my arms are wrapped loosely around my captor's neck, and I remove them hurriedly and place them on my stomach.

"Where am I?" I ask in a tremulous voice, beginning to squirm fearfully in this being's grip. "Let me go."

"Shut up and hold still." A menacingly low voice snarls in reply and I quickly comply. Against my will, I force my body to go limp and my mouth to stay shut against the urge to scream for help.

The heavy scent of pine surrounds me, encompassing me until it's all I can smell. I recall my parents' words, telling me that angels smell of honey while demons carry the scent of pine. Demon.

"Is this pretty little girl the feared half-blood?"

I flinch blindly as a gravelly voice rings out suddenly, unconsciously twisting my captor's shirt into my fist. I despise skinship, but I feel that it's necessary to hold onto anyone or anything that I can for even the slightest twinge of comfort at the moment. The grip on me tightens.

"Back off, Taehyung." A low growl rumbles in the chest of my captor, the vibrations spreading goosebumps across my arms. "Satan wants her untouched."

Satan? Wait, what were they going to do?

"That's funny," the second voice chuckles, "I don't recall Satan telling me that. He told me that he just wanted the girl and he sent me here to come get you. She has a good body, anyways."

"Well, fuck off." My captor orders, and I feel him roughly shouldering past the second demon and continuing on his path quickly.

"Where are you taking me?" I murmur, momentarily forgetting the order I had previously been given.

"I told you to stay quiet."

I nod and obey for a short while until I hear the low groan of two heavy doors creaking open.

"Enter." An extremely deep voice booms before me, echoing around the vast room. The room reeks heavily of pine and the metallic stench of blood and I wrinkle my nose at the strength of the smell.

My sight having been blinded, I can only tremble slightly in fear as my captor carries me to what I can only identify as certain death. I yelp as the arms supporting my body disappear, dumping me roughly onto the carpeted floor.

"Well, look at you." The chilling growl comes again. I tremble, still sprawled uncomfortably on the coarse carpet. "Stand up and remove your blindfold."

I do as I'm told. What else can I do? I climb shakily to my feet and fumble my blindfold away from my eyes with clumsy fingers, my body promptly freezing up as I stare in utter shock and fear at the being in front of me.

A massive being is seated on an equally huge throne composed entirely of what appear to be human bones. His skin is a pale grey and bloodless, yet his soulless ebony eyes are alive with a fire burning deep within that pierces effortlessly through me right to my very soul. Crimson horns that match the color of his thinning locks and his cloak that he's currently swathed in sit atop his head, extremely sharp and gnarled as they emerge from his skull. His face is withered with age, wrinkles present on his lifeless skin and his lips thin with lack of blood and life. He would easily tower at least six feet over me, but that's only my assumption with the terrifying being seated before me on his sickening throne. Humongous wine-red wings unfurl from his back as I stare fearfully, stretching to such a size that his wingtips brush the opposite walls as he outstretches them to their full length. The tips of his feathers seem to have been dipped into the same shade of his soul-sucking eyes, patterning them with an appearance that almost makes them appear to be bleeding.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now