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Your POV

I narrow my eyes, carefully scrutinizing his eyes in an attempt to gauge whether or not he's lying. His glowing eyes are guarded, his true emotions concealed behind protective walls. Regardless, I can spot a minuscule twinge of pain hidden in those piercing, crimson orbs, but as soon as I notice it, he ices himself over once and the agony in his eyes is quickly dismissed.

"Stop looking at me like that," it's the faint growl present in his voice that causes me to avert my eyes and take one small step backwards.

He's hurting... I want to help, but I don't want him to be angry with me for invading his life... I don't know what to do anymore.

"Sorry," I murmur, dipping my head slightly before retreating to sit back down on the mattress. Ugh, my timing is the worst... how can I make him see that opening up really does set one free?

My eyes drift back to his outstretched wings that are currently swishing gently, the sleek, ebony feathers proudly showing off an array of different shining hues of blues and purples. I can't help but feel a stab of disappointment upon standing before such a magnificent being with such striking wings, desperately wishing to possess my own unique wings and more attractive, sharper features.

Are demons just naturally attractive? Or is he just lucky? I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, eyes flickering over his desirable facial features and toned body before flitting away to stare at one of the sparkling gems on the obsidian wall. A despised cherry glow ignites my cheeks and I swallow hard, suddenly feeling an extremely odd and somewhat uncomfortable sensation at being in a close proximity with the young demon. This is weird. I don't like this feeling.

"Quiet, are we?" Jungkook takes on a teasing tone, causing me to glance up in shock at the sudden change in mood.

"I was the one who spoke last," I can't fight back the small giggle of relief at the lightened atmosphere bubbling in my chest. "If anyone is quiet, it's you."

"Touché," he grins, displaying a pair of piercing fangs adorning his straight, snow-white teeth. "By the way, when was the last time you ate?"

I blink in surprise at his concern. "Not very recently, why?"

"Because it's not good for a being of any kind to go without eating." With that, Jungkook shakes his head and makes his way across to the rounded table bearing a tall paper bag that bulges with content that's undoubtedly good. I watch as he dips his hand into the bag before returning to me with an apple pastry and a slight smile. "Here."

I accept it from him gratefully, my mouth already watering at the sweet scent. I instantly tear into it, devouring it as if I hadn't eaten in a month. Lately I've been so caught up and distracted by everything that I've completely forgotten to eat today.

"Feel better now?" He chuckles as I nod and swallow the last bite.

"Much. Thank you, Kookie."

I slap a hand over my mouth as the random nickname tumbles from my lips before I can process what I'm saying. His eyes widen with something unreadable and his lips press into a thin line, a ruby blush adorning his cheeks and softening his features. Oh my God, where did that come from? I've never even thought about calling him that before! What the hell, vocal cords? I TRUSTED YOU TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now