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I arise peacefully the next morning, but when I slide groggily beneath the confines of the fluffy blanket, I notice with a start that Jungkook's bed is empty. Like usual, his sheets and blanket are a rumpled mess of discord, intertwined with one another while pillows are strewn about the large bed.

Where could he have gone?

I shake my head, trusting that he hadn't returned back to the fight club that nearly stole his life from him. I move to my dresser, rummaging around in various drawers before I come up with a pair of smoky grey leggings and a loose-fitting black shirt that flows down my smaller but curvier frame. My hands hurriedly pull free a sports bra and simple black panties before I hastily dart into the bathroom, just in case Jungkook happened to walk in at that traumatizing moment.

Faint traces of steam still linger on the pristine mirror, which can only mean that Jungkook left shortly before I awoke. I undress and step cautiously into the shower, promptly shrieking in unexpected shock when frigid water exits the showerhead and assaults my skin with icy flowers that bloom across my skin and nearly chill me to the bone.

"Jungkook!" I snarl, even though no one is around to hear me. Seething, I shower swiftly yet efficiently, Jungkook's issue briefly slipping my mind as I drown my anger in marshmallow-scented body wash and shampoo. I lather a sweet-smelling conditioner into my long locks that intertwines with the marshmallow scent and compliments it nicely, before shaving carefully and washing my face thoroughly. I rinse out the conditioner and hop out of the shower, eager to escape the frigid droplets.

I slip on my clothes and apply any necessary hygienic items, including deodorant and smothering my skin with lotion. I run a brush carefully through my hair to work out the tangles, continuously doing so until the translucent pearls stop dripping from my hair. I force my hands that are still slightly trembling from the cold to still in order to apply light makeup before returning my makeup bag to its rightful place beneath the counter.

I exit the room, goosebumps still prominent on my skin as I glower heatedly at Jungkook's neglected bed, cursing him for using up every miniscule drop of hot water.

At that moment, the door is flung open and my body jolts in shock as a crashing bang resounds throughout the room as the door slams into the wall behind it. Jungkook comes ambling into the room, clad in black basketball shorts that showcase his muscular calves and a loose, white, sleeveless top whose strap is already beginning to slip from his right shoulder. A brown paper bag is gripped tightly in his hand, his death-grip betraying his easy smile and his aura that radiates relaxation. His wispy, ebony hair is arranged so that the dusky strands hang down in a fringe across his forehead and his crimson eyes are somewhat misty yet warm.

"Finally woke up, I see." Jungkook snickers playfully, heading over to the rounded table and carelessly plopping the bag atop it.

"Thanks for using up all the hot water, by the way." I grumble, sauntering over and lightly driving my elbow into his side to push him away so I can take a quick peek at the contents. Several concealed items beam up at me, swaddled in paper while the captivating scent of eggs and bacon wafts up to my nostrils. My mouth salivates hungrily and my stomach growls shamelessly.

I'm about to reach into the depths of the bag when Jungkook's arm suddenly captures my waist and pulls me away in one fluid motion.

"Jungkook!" I hiss, watching in disbelief and irritation as he shifts in front of me to take first pick.

"Sorry, but I got the food, so I take first pick." I can hear the laughter in his voice as I vainly attempt to shove past him. He pulls out a pastry that's smothered in ice-colored sweetness and smelling of cherries, and my eyes widen slightly when he promptly turns and pushes it into my hands.

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