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I halt abruptly outside Jungkook's door, one hand weighed down with a small bag of makeup products while the other rests uncertainly on the doorknob. Am I really ready to go back to him? What if he's still angry? At that moment, Yura's words run laps in my mind, blatantly reminding me that I'm all he has and he really doesn't hate me, but is beginning to contract feelings. I find it hard to believe, but it's the best that I can run with currently.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly creak open the door in an attempt at staying quiet, inwardly hoping that he isn't here. My hope having been dismissed, my eyes fall upon Jungkook who is currently seated on his bed, his shoulders hunched over as he rests his head in his hands. I bite down on my lower lip to detain a greeting and close the door behind me.

At the resounding click of the door, Jungkook slowly raises his head. My breath catches in my throat as I take notice of the rosy rings around his eyes and his cherry-tipped nose and the melancholy smile he shoots me. He's been... crying? And did he really just smile at me? I stare at him and relax my tense form, no longer sensing any sort of danger radiating from his dark aura. If anything, I feel sympathetic forgiveness towards him rather than the burning anger I had experienced prior to coming here.

"(Y/N)," the smile saddens even more, but my body instantly locks up.

He just... called me by my actual name. What is this? What's happening? The sound of my name rolls off his tongue so easily, yet it feels so foreign to hear his voice mention my name after being constantly given degrading nicknames.

I give him a blank look before walking quickly to the bathroom and vanishing inside. The plastic and glass bottles clink together as I carefully empty the contents of the bag into my makeup bag before discarding the paper bag.

I lift my eyes to gaze into the mirror, my saddened reflection staring back with a foreign look of sorrow mixed with sympathy. My features and body shape are exactly the same as when I arrived, but everything else is different. I'm no longer the carefree girl that I was when residing on Earth, my prior attitude having been replaced with a somewhat broken, weary demeanor that I wished so desperately to change.

Jungkook and the angels made me this way.

I shake my head and chomp down on the inside of my cheek to ward off fresh tears.

I need to give Jungkook another chance. I'm already beginning to see changes, but...

I throw away the thoughts and slink stiffly back into the bedroom, where Jungkook is still sitting facing the door. I stay quiet as I sit on the opposite side of him facing the opposite direction, yet I have a hunch that we're both thinking about roughly the same topic.

"(Y/N)," his deep, rumbling voice comes again, a note of despair present. I hum in response, signalling that he has attracted my attention and he is able to continue. "Are you angry with me?"

I nearly choke on air at his absurd inquiry, whipping around to glare disbelievingly at his back. "What do you think?" I snap. Is he really that stupid?

"I think you are, but-" his voice cuts off suddenly, faltering all at once. He draws in a shaky breath, his shoulders trembling slightly. I wait for him to continue, my eyes widening when he does. "I don't want you to be."

My world tilts slightly and I become light-headed with incredulity at stone-hearted Jungkook's sudden change. Yesterday, he wouldn't have cared whatsoever if I died, much less whether or not I took a liking to him. Now, here he is, crying and shameful and wishing for me to be not upset with him.

"Interesting," I cut my eyes accusingly at him, "I thought you hated me."

He suddenly rises from the bed and whirls to face me, his strangely seething, crimson eyes betraying his somewhat trembling form and the quiet sniffles he's emitting.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now