Spin-Off Story {Clean}

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I instantly sense the fatigued curve in my spine stiffening at the sound my young daughter's sweet cry reverberating throughout the tranquil atmosphere, the silvery tone punctuated by an array of pattering footsteps sweeping towards me. I glance up from the heavy book strewn upon my lap to glimpse the young child darting across the wooden flooring, a dazzling and brilliant smile dusting her rosy lips and satin spirals of platinum-blonde hair fluttering in her wake as she barrels toward me.

"Rise and shine, little one!" I greet her warmly, not hesitating to sweep her into my arms and place her delicate figure upon my lap, ultimately ensnaring myself within the pristine sheets of my and Jungkook's shared bed. She releases a twinkling giggle in response, snaking her arms around my neck in a sugary embrace and bathing my senses in the familiar scent of hand-chosen strawberries.

It had been only four short years since my world had brightened, my first glimpse of Eunha's precious features adding a brilliant glow to my entire life and gifting it new meaning. The birth had been rather agonizing yet swift, my blunt fingernails lancing into Jungkook's hand as his words of encouragement and sweet praise swirl within my mind. I could never balance a price upon the expression of pure joy that had painted his handsome features the moment that Eunha's first cry had shattered the tense silence.

Eunha's orbs of ebony light trickle down to Jungkook's motionless figure sprawled beneath the crisp sheets at my side, and she does not hesitate to tumble off my lap and roll directly into her father's side. Jungkook's eyelids twitch slightly at the gentle impact, his supple lips murmuring something incoherent in his state of slumber.

"Dad, come on! It's noon! You always wake me up before then, so I think that it's fair if you have to suffer as well." Eunha's adorable features contort into a childish pout, earning a small giggle from me. Her open palms harshly collide with Jungkook's shoulder, spurring him awake in a mere heartbeat.

His eyes flash open and he sits bolt upright, the powerful muscles in his shoulders rippling at the abrupt movement as alertness banishes the opaque haze of lingering slumber from his obsidian orbs. Eunha squeals as her support shifts beneath her, her delicate hands scrabbling at Jungkook's strong bicep for purchase in order to avoid tumbling off the side of the bed.

"Dad!" She screeches.

Jungkook's keen gaze locks upon his daughter immediately, and his expression softens into one of pure love and sheepish guilt as he clamps his hands around Eunha's waist to steady her. "Sorry, princess." He apologizes almost shyly, a small smile tinging his lips. He tugs his precious daughter atop his lap as she laughs lightly. "How did my favorite little girl sleep?"

"Great! I had the best dream ever!" She cheers. "You and Mommy took me to the park and we spent the whole day there! Then you took me to get ice cream and bought me a dog that I named Glitter." She sighs. "If only it were real. Maybe..?"

I shake my head, chuckling quietly to myself. "She's definitely your child, Kookie." I chide at my beloved husband, earning a childish pout akin to Eunha's from him. His eyes widen with a gentle innocence that I can infer must be feigned, and I scoff playfully.

"She's our child," he reminds me. Before I earn a chance to continue our amicable bickering, he abruptly leans forward and seals his soft lips to mine in a rather mild yet passionate and loving kiss. The simple touch of his lips causes sweet warmth to blossom like the silvery petals of moonlit flowers within my soul, the security and earnest warmth brushing chaste kisses against my muscles as it spreads like wildfire.

"Gross!" Eunha gripes, clapping one hand over her eyes to shield herself from the sight. I shatter the kiss with a small laugh, but Jungkook seizes my moment of distraction and vulnerability to close his teeth playfully over my bottom lip and tug lightly.

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