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"So you're the half-blood?" The young male demon I soon identified to be Taehyung asks me, guiding me down a dimly-lit, winding corridor that branches off into different bedrooms.

I nod sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess." I would rather refrain from speaking with him, especially after I uncovered that it was he who made that somewhat perverted comment about touching me, but he can't be worse than Jungkook.

"You guess?" Taehyung stops suddenly and I stumble to a halt, just shy of smacking into his back. "There's no mistaking whether you are or not. You have your silver Seal and you carry the scent of lavender and you managed to break free of the angels' 'indestructible' handcuffs. You're the half-blood, alright." He gives me a boxy grin and continues on his path.

"Can demons not break free of the handcuffs?" I inquire, scrambling to follow him but keeping some distance between us.

"No. It's been said that half-bloods are not able to be contained or killed by either sides' weapons or binds. Harmed, yes. But not killed or contained." He informs me.

Good to know.

We stop at a door near the end of the long hallway and I instantly notice that the door is a sturdy mahogany wood that contrasts the darkness and color of the solid ebony walls.

"This is my room where you'll be staying." Taehyung swings open the door and gestures for me to take a step inside.

I do, and the beauty of the room alone threatens to steal my breath away. The walls of the massive bedroom are a purple-tinted obsidian, white gems that catch the low lighting speckling the walls in random places to make it glow. A king-sized bed sits up on a slightly elevated part of the black-carpeted floor, the frame seemingly carved from the same material of the walls while fluffy-looking pillows and an extremely tempting comforter conceal the cushioned mattress. Two doors on opposite sides of the room catch my attention and I assume that they must branch off into the bathroom and closet. Across from the bed is a crackling fireplace, the ignited wood spitting red and orange embers yearning for freedom onto the tiles where they fizzle and die. A cushioned black love-seat and a plush black chair are positioned to face the fireplace. I spot a round wooden table pushed off to one side of the room, three chairs stationed neatly around it.

"This is your room?" I spin around to gaze in awe at the amused demon. "This is like a small apartment!"

"Hell isn't as bad as it seems, you know." Taehyung laughs and slips past me, me trailing further into the room after him. "The dining hall is downstairs in case you ever get hungry. Satan stays on the other side of the palace and Jungkook's room is two doors down the hallway."

"Who's in between?" I ask, moving to the bed and flopping down onto the bed. The softness of the comforter and mattress encase me, sinking me deeper into their embrace.

"Just a friend." Taehyung shrugs, moving over to take a seat next to me.

"Name?" I raise my eyebrows and edge away from him, still a little wary after he openly admitted that I had a good body and that Jungkook had to tell him not to touch me right off the bat without him saying much prior.

"Namjoon hyung." He flashes another boxy smile at me and claps once. "Don't worry, he's really nice."

I laugh at his childish antics. "So are you, for a demon. I thought that demons were supposed to be scary."

At my words, the smile plummets from his lips and an inexplicable darkness clouds his piercing emerald eyes. Before I can react, he's on me in a flash, bowling me over and pinning me down onto the mattress with his icy hands gripping my wrists.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now