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"Who's here?" I demand in a hushed whisper, promptly yelping in pain as my mother springs into action, grabbing my wrist and hauling me to my feet as if I were nothing more than a rag doll.

"Angels." She hisses, hurriedly but silently bundling me toward the front door. "They're here for you." She yanks open the front door and shoves me outside. "You need to run. Now. And don't look back."

"What about you and Dad?" My voice is wracked with fear as I see flashes of white light emitting from behind her and hear a strangled cry of pain. "Is he alright?"

"Don't worry about us. Just run." She commands, promptly slamming the door in my face and severing me from any proof that she and my father are okay.

They told you to run! My mind screams at me, and I do. I force my legs into motion, ignoring the faint cracks of lightning that are currently piercing the air from inside my house. I leap off the front porch and careen down the sidewalk, my breath rattling in my chest as I will my legs to move faster and faster.

A short, feminine scream of agony erupts from the house that I abandoned, and I feel as if someone had plunged a carving knife into my heart and twisted it. Tears well up in my eyes, blurring my vision, but I clumsily wipe them away as I continue running. Another sharp crack of lightning rips through the air, causing my heart to skip a beat as the sound bounces around inside my skull.

Mom... Dad...

"I found her!"

A deep male voice booms from above, startling me. I risk a glance over my shoulder to see a middle-aged man clad in all white hovering above my house with a pair of madly-beating white wings. He's gesturing to me frantically while looking down into my backyard, and I feel a stab of sheer panic as two more angels rise into the sky to meet him.

I'm easy prey out in the open.

I veer from the sidewalk, sprinting between the houses in an intricate zigzag pattern. The spaces between the houses are too narrow for the angels to fit between with their outstretched wings, so it's safer than running out on the open road. Massive shadows flit over me and frustrated profanities are shouted as the angels struggle to memorize my random pattern and intercept me.

I double back once I see that the angels are now circling the expanse of the houses, searching like a hawk for their target. I burst back out into the open and dash across the street, heading for the next neighborhood over.

I'm nearly there when a looming shadow falls over me and another angel seemingly drops from the sky, landing square on their feet with their massive wings outstretched to block my path. I skid to a halt and try to sprint the other direction, but he easily catches me by the back of my shirt and pulls me back.

"Let me go!" I shout, writhing furiously in his grip as he flips around and pins me to the grass.

"Just hold still, alright?" He orders in a desperate tenor voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You hurt my parents!" I scream in his face, wanting nothing more than to rid my body of his touch and to kill him and the rest of his cohorts. "You aren't angels at all if you're going around killing people!"

"Look, I'm not like the ones that killed your parents." He denies it, shaking his head vigorously. "Look at me. I'm not lying. I'm trying to help you escape."

I finally glare up into his face, only to be pleasantly surprised by the handsome face peering back. His face is full and somewhat tinted with pink and his eyes are warm and gentle, nothing like the eyes of a murderer. He smiles, exposing pearly teeth that match the color of his lightly-fluttering angel wings that cast shadows down on me as they move.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now